Wednesday 10 January 2018


Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said.
                   “Never will I leave you;
                   never will I forsake you.”                                                    Heb.  13.5

Love of money runs counter to a truly Christian life. Money is the currency of the world and to chase after it with relish is to put it first in one’s priorities. I would say that love of money is a major impediment to receiving the love of God.

We are encouraged to be content with what we have. I feel I have received this contentment. I say received, because I believe it to be God given. I have received it and it is a good place to be. I do not strive for worldly wealth, but I am well aware of treasures that are out of this world.

 And this is where my contentment lies. I am in company with God. I embrace the truth of His declaration that He will never leave me nor forsake me. I know this. At times I experience His presence very strongly, at other times not so. But I know He is always with me, and this is more precious and valuable than any wealth the world can offer. I have untold riches which I greatly appreciate.

I am out of the Rat Race, but I am most definitely in the God Race. I can’t get enough of Him and, seemingly, He wants more of me. How great is this! How wonderful is my God!

Holy Lord,
I love You; I adore You. I delight to spend my time with You. May this continue as day follows day. Let us journey together through this coming day. May I be fulfilled in You.

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