Thursday 21 February 2019

My Father's house

“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”                        Luke 2.49

Jesus was twelve years old. And He knew who He was, where He should be, and what His mission was. This is most wonderful! I note that, whilst He pointed to His personal duty to His Father in heaven, He was also obedient to His earthly parents.

There is a consistency in Jesus that I admire and would seek to attain just a measure of for myself. His earthly demeanour and behaviour was always in sync with His heavenly calling. Again I say, “How wonderful!”

The Word tells me that Christ is in me. I know I cannot live on this earth the perfection that was in Jesus but, by my hope in He who is in me, I can seek to see a better me in the life I live.

Lord God,
I ask simply for greater contact and awareness of the Christ that is in me. I really want my worldly behaviour to totally reflect my heavenly calling. I truly believe I have been called, and set apart, by You. Forgive me, Lord, for those times when I have failed You in my thoughts, words and deeds. Forgive me, I pray, and show me the “most excellent” way.
I long for Your way. I wonder if I am blocking Your way for me. Move me, Lord, if You need to. Change anything about me that You feel to. I give myself to You.
I want to be in Your house and about Your business. I ask You to take me and use me, in Jesus name.          Amen.

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