Tuesday 24 September 2019

No deprivation

For this is what the LORD says:
“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, 
who choose what pleases me 
and hold fast to my covenant – to them 
I will give within my temple and its walls 
a memorial and a name 
better than sons and daughters; 
I will give them an everlasting name 
that will not be cut off.”                                     Isa. 56.4,5

God is again speaking of the eunuchs. These were men who had been deprived of their manhood. In a way, they were outcasts. Even though they may have risen to good positions, they were still lacking.

God did not hold these men as inferior. On the contrary, He makes special mention of them. As they give themselves in obedience to Him He will bless them. They have been denied and deprived of having children, but God vows to give them a lasting remembrance (memorial), and a name better for them than offspring. They will live to everlasting, and will not be cut off from the Lord.

Maybe the eunuchs are mentioned here by way of example for all those who are disadvantaged, displaced, and without the benefits of good living. There are plenty of people today in similar situations. God is there for all. He does not discriminate. As we come to Him in penitence, repentance and faith, so He welcomes us into His family and into His arms. Our physical situation may not change, but we become new and blessed beings. He is with us, and whatever may befall, we can face it with trust and confidence in Him. He may not remove trials and problems from us, but He will lead us through as we allow Him.

Loving God,
I thank You for Your love and care for all who come to You. I especially thank You for Your embracing of the disadvantaged. You bring them hope and dignity. You have no favourites, each of us is loved equally by You. Thank You.     Amen.

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