Tuesday 6 November 2018

Over all

Let them praise the name of the LORD, 
for his name alone is exalted; 
his splendour is above the earth 
     and the heavens.                Psalm 148.13

The previous verses have covered the whole order of creation. This verse brings all together and places them in praise of the Lord God.

God alone is the exalted one. He created all things and all things bow before Him in praise and adoration.

God’s splendour, his glory is greater by far that anything that may be seen in creation yet, as I look at the wonders of His work, it is so easy to sing out to Him in praise. I can envisage the whole earth rejoicing in its maker, bringing a sweet harmony in the most natural and free way.

I add, sadly, that my views embrace the minimum penetration of man – mere suggestions of habitation through the glimpses of rooftops that intrude into the wonderful vistas. It seems that where man is less obvious the whole of nature applauds the wonder of the Creator. Man, the acme of God’s creation, sadly does not cry out in praise with the same freedom and jubilation as the rest of the universe.

Lord God,
I am so aware today of the salute of nature to Your glory, Your creative genius and Your headship. I am also aware that man trails – badly and sadly – in his acknowledgement and acclamation of You. 
Hear my sad cry of regret at man’s foolish action. Receive my prayer for a re-awakening in mankind of awareness of You, of acknowledgement of Your headship and of submission to You in love and in the deepest desires to serve and please You. 
Let this move start with me. I salute You, I marvel at You. I love You. Hallelujah!                   Amen.

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