Friday 27 July 2018


From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things as surely as the work of his hands rewards him.                  Prov. 12.14

NIV Study Bible notes: A man who speaks with wisdom will reap a harvest from his words, just as a farmer enjoys the crops he planted. Reference is made to 1.31 and its footnote, which says: The consequences depend on their actions.

A further reference is to Job 34.11:
                  He repays a man for what he has done;
                  he brings upon him what his conduct deserves.

The words of our lips originate in the heart. How wonderful it is to have good fruit come out of our lips as the consequence of good leading of the heart. Such will reward, just as surely as if we worked with our hands and received a reward therefrom.

Lord God,
I pray for good fruit to come from my lips. I pray for a heart that is soft and surrendered to all that is good, all that is of You. I pray that good words will flow easily and readily from a heart totally yielded to You. I pray for wisdom. I ask for insight, that You might allow me to see into people’s situations, to see Your remedy and action for them, and to speak to them Your words, prudently and with wisdom and love.
I pray that no foolishness will ever be part of my thinking, feeling or speaking.
I pray for God-given opportunities to speak into people’s lives and I pray that You will give me the words and the direction to do so.
I thank You, Lord.
I draw closer. I press in. I ask You to take me to You. Know my heart, direct my steps, in Jesus name I ask.           Amen.

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