Tuesday 24 April 2018


“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”                      Matt. 28.20b

I may not always “feel” like doing that which God places before me. Goodness, what am I saying? I have been reading of some of the possible effects from the treatment that is likely for me – nausea, vomiting, tiredness (of course), constipation or diarrhoea, (Ugh!), headache, loss of hair/weight. Wow, how gross! How much fun is this going to be? And what about my cheerful and chirpy, God-given and God focused disposition?

When I underwent the first CT scan at Mona Vale Hospital, He gave me the clearest reminder that He was with me. As I entered “the tube” I saw my heavenly Father above me. He said, “I’m here waiting for you. We are going to do this together.” Some millennia ago, Jesus gave me positive assurance that He would be with me always, to the very end of the age.”In the year 2000, at a hotel in Singapore, the Father reinforced the deal. After reading of Moses’ encounter at the burning bush, God said to me, “And I will be with you, too!” And I am further constantly reminded of the presence – and the power – of the Holy Spirit with me.

God is amazing! When He wants us to know something He makes it so very clear. God is with me, and He will get me through all that lies ahead.

Another perspective that has been mightily with me in these most recent weeks is my life and ministry after cancer. I do not know, at this stage, what might be forthcoming, and I do not need to know. But I am excited! I am excited about the whole of the Christian life, and I don’t really understand believers who live without a holy excitement. God is for us, He most definitely asserts this (Rom. 8.31). Jesus declares His presence with us for all time. How wonderful, how marvellous! The only way is forward – in Him!

Great God, Mighty Warrior, Divine Healer,
I am excited at the day that lies ahead. I look forward to the adventure of today as I journey with You. May we go together into the fullness of Your plans and purposes for me today.
And, as we go, would You draw me closer and take me into deeper intimacy with Yourself? I am so hungry for more of You. I thirst for the living water of Jesus. I open myself to the fullness of Your Spirit in me.
I enter this day – fully – in You.                Amen.

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