Friday 7 November 2014

Outstanding debt

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.                                              Rom. 13.8

All debts may be paid and cleared save only the debt to love. The commandment is to love your neighbour – and to keep on loving. I regard whoever I may be in contact with as my neighbour. I see Paul parallel this in his reference to fellowman.

Earlier in this letter Paul touches on the need for me to be not in debt. I must seek to keep myself free of debt, for debt binds me to another in a way that is not healthy. But, to be bound to one – anyone – in love is good.

It is good to be in accord with God’s wishes. As I give myself to this, I know that He is with me. He is love! He lavishes love on me, and He delights when I spread His love, sharing it freely with others.

There are, however, those that I will find it difficult to love. What do I do then?

I am again reminded of Jesus’ words, “Come, follow me.” If I were less focused or so moved, I could be tempted to see these words as heavy and onerous, especially in regard to loving some people. I don’t see them thus. Rather by His words I see Jesus challenge me and also encourage me. For He says, “I am the way. This is the way, walk in it. Yoke yourself with me and you will find the strength and resolve that you need.” I can willingly yoke myself to Jesus for I know the truth of these words. He will never leave me, but ever strengthen and support me, and walk alongside me.
As I allow Him, He will lead me in loving all others.

Dear Lord, Precious Jesus,

I so often hear you say, “Come, follow me.” I hear You and I respond. Firstly, Lord, I come. Just as I am I come to You. I open myself to Your embrace and I feel the infilling of the sweetest love You have for me.

I commit to following You. Lead me, Lord, I’m Yours. Let us journey forth together. Hallelujah!                                                    Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip (Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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