Friday 3 August 2012

Like David

After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to.”    Acts 13.22

David certainly had a mixed life. He committed adultery and was responsible for murder, yet God called him a man after my own heart. I think this might be because God knew the true state of David’s heart. David loved God and his heartfelt and heart-rending cry of repentance after his double crime is a clear indication of the true man.

David had many experiences which, on surface value, would seem to deny the existence of God’s blessing in his life. Yet he remained steadfast. God worked for good in David through all the trying experiences, and he did indeed know God’s blessing.

God promised David an everlasting dynasty. In time the sovereignty failed and seemed to have disappeared for all time. Yet a King was to come out of the house of David more glorious than any worldly dream could have imagined. The Saviour of the world, the eternal King, came out of the blessing that God imparted to David.

Lord God,

I give You thanks and praise for David. I rejoice that he was a man after Your own heart, willing to do everything You wanted him to do.

In these respects I seek to be like David. I want to do all that You would have of me. I seek Your help in this for I know I cannot do this in my own strength. But all things are possible with You, and the power of Your Holy Spirit in me will achieve all You would have of me.

I surrender to You. I offer myself, wholly and freely into Your service.

Take me and use me, in Jesus’ name I ask.                                         Amen.

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