Saturday 6 July 2019


Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God.                  Heb. 6.7

I am aware of much rain that falls on me by God’s providence. I am privileged to share with many Christians in different spheres and contexts. It feels as if I receive copious amounts of falling rain. Not every interaction may appear totally positive on the surface yet there is opportunity in each and every instance to touch God.

I hope I do not miss these various opportunities I am given to drink in the rain that God showers on me.

The rain sinks into the ground. It waters the seed and produces the most useful crop. This is my desire in God – to produce a healthy, God-knowing and loving harvest, blessed by God.

Lord God,
I thank You for the times You allow me to meet and mix with other Christians. In all of these times I am exposed to the rain of heaven, poured out by You as I commune with brothers and sisters in Christ. I seek the maximum soaking of Your holy rain into my being, into the very essence of my person.
I pray that You guide me and allow me to bring forth a crop for You that will be useful and dedicated and so healthy in Jesus.
There are many whom I would seek Your blessing for. Lead me to more, Lord. Take me where You will and have me minister how You would have me. I offer myself.
As I receive from You, let me share with others. Let me be instrumental in others being watered. Let them soak in all that You have for them.
And, please, give me more.                Amen.

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