Friday 21 June 2019


Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you – guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.                       2 Tim.1.14

The meaning of the Greek word for “guard” comes from the verb “to be”. Expanded meanings include: to hold, possess, eat, enjoy, fear, need, and use. I am delighted at this variety of meanings. 

The deposit mentioned in the verse quoted is the Gospel and here Paul is encouraging me to do all these wonderful things with the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ.

All the various meanings there are of this verb lead me to a similar conclusion. If I possess the gospel, if I eat it and thereby take it into my being, if I enjoy it, or fear it with a godly fear, if I need it – and I most certainly do, and if I use it, all these point me to the same end – to be  the Gospel.

I hear God speaking to me today through Paul’s words. I hear God encouraging me to be the Gospel of Jesus Christ – to exude the good news of the Kingdom of God through every fibre of my being. I can do this. I know I can, through the Holy Spirit who lives in me.

Lord God,
I thank You for this precious revelation. I need and enjoy the Gospel, the goodness of Jesus. It is alive in me. I live in it. I ask You to strengthen this in me. Empower me through the presence of Your Holy Spirit in me. May I, every day, become more and more alive in Your gospel story. Give me confidence in You, and boldness to live out the Gospel and freely share it wherever I go. I feel I want to echo Isaiah and say, “Here am I. Send me.”
I love You and I want to share this love. I seek to do this in harmony with Your Holy Spirit. Hear my prayer, that I might live the Gospel until it consumes me. Help me, in Jesus’ name I ask.                  Amen.

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