Saturday 3 February 2018


The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”                                                                                    1 Cor. 11. 23,24

Jesus was about to give His body and blood, in death, in one great act of redemption. Mankind would be given opportunity to avoid eternal damnation through sin, by the selfless act of Jesus in payment for all sin, of all time.

In His final meal with His disciples, Jesus shared with them the beauty and wonder of the sacrament of Holy Communion. I receive this as sacrament in its meaning of a sacred moment. In communion I join with Jesus in sweet harmony. I receive from Him, anew and afresh, the life that God wishes for me. I open myself again to the Holy Spirit of God with a hope, and a knowing, that He will fill me to overflowing. I look to go forward in this Spirit, in the power and protection, the love and blessing of God.

Jesus exhorts me to remember Him as I partake of the gift of Communion. I don’t think I could ever forget Jesus. He has done so much for me. And He continues to bless me. I seek to journey through every day in company with Him. He is my friend and my constant companion.

But before all else, He is my Saviour and my Lord. By His act of redemption, He opened the way for me to enter into relationship with the Holy Godhead – with Father, Son and Spirit. This comes not through any worthiness on my part for, indeed, I am truly unworthy. But God’s love for me overwhelms. His love brought forth His mighty act of redemption. The blood of Jesus cleanses me, and I am clean.

I am blessed to experience many sacred moments with Jesus. Prime among these is the sweet connection I enjoy in our precious sharing of Communion.

Lord Jesus,
I recall with sincere and most grateful thanks Your act of redemption for me, and for all who will receive You. I look to remember You, not only at the sharing of Communion, but at all times. I look to Your constant presence with me, to Your leading, and guiding, and loving. Thank You.                Amen.

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