Thursday 31 March 2016

No delusion

But Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the other disciples said the same.                                                                      Matt. 26.35

There is an interesting flow of conversation when Jesus tells His disciples that He is to be taken from them. Peter responds by saying he will never leave Jesus. Jesus then tells Peter he will indeed disown Jesus three times. Peter further reacts with the above declaration that not even death will stop his loyalty to Jesus.

Whilst I could be impressed with Peter’s fervent declarations, what really impacts me – with the knowledge I have of Jesus as Lord and God – is Peter’s impertinence at challenging the Almighty! It’s as if he’s saying, “No, God, you’ve got it wrong! I know better than you do, and I know I won’t let you down.”

Of course, Peter is not saying this, but this Peter (me) is taking note, and I’m reminding myself that it is possible to self-delude and think one knows better than God.

With this present reminder, I need to go forward in renewed attentiveness to God’s will and the ways that He has for me.

Holy Lord,

I can see impertinence on Peter’s part in his challenge here to Jesus. I see this but so often I miss it when I am discounting Your ways and wishes for me. I ask You to forgive me.

Let me see more clearly what You might be saying to me. Let me see, and be willing to be obedient to You. I give You my allegiance. I expect to hear You speak to me in relationship and direction. You are my first, and greatest love. How I rejoice in this knowledge.

I pray for Your strengthening of me in any time of testing. I pray that I can say, like Peter, that I will never disown You. But, unlike Peter, I pray that I will not be proved wrong. I love You, and seek to show it always. Hallelujah! I bless You, Lord.     Amen.

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