Tuesday 10 November 2015


“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”                                         Luke 16.31

The rich man is in hell while Lazarus, the beggar, is safely in the company of Abraham. The rich man calls out to Abraham for help, firstly for himself and, when that is not forthcoming, then for his brothers who remain on earth.

Abraham reminds him that his brothers have Moses and the Prophets, that is the Holy Scriptures, to guide them in the way of the truth. If they ignore the teachings and directions of the Scriptures then no other avenue will reach them.

And so it is for us. The Word of God as contained in the Bible is the most wonderful guide into the Kingdom. God speaks through His Word and, I truly believe, as I give myself to absorbing the Holy Scriptures, I place myself to hear from God in so many other ways.

God speaks to me through His Word and it behoves me to listen. For me, God’s Word is alive and dynamic. It brings me into close contact with Him. It invites me into deeper intimacy, and I gladly accept the invitation.

Holy Lord,

I thank You for Your Word. I ask You to speak to me from all of Your Word. There is so much I want to know and share with You. I delight to hear from You. I give myself to even deeper revelation. May You speak clearly and widely to me.

I receive Your Word and my heart’s desire is to be obedient. I am not always successful in this and I ask Your forgiveness for those times when I mess up. May I be ever open to hear You and even more willing to be obedient to what You may say or ask of me.

I pray that I will need no intermediary to lead me to You. You beckon me from the words of Your Word. I come, Holy One. I come to the fullness of Your Word for me, in sincere humility and grateful thanks.                            Amen.

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