Sunday 9 February 2014

Autumn and spring rains

Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.   James 5.7

I reflect on the analogy that the writer gives to the Lord’s coming. He compares our waiting to the farmer waiting for his crop. The farmer knows the crop is coming. He also knows that he can do nothing to hurry it up. He awaits the autumn and spring rains. The autumn rain falls soon after the grain is sown. It nourishes the soil and promotes growth. The spring rain occurs just prior to the harvest. It brings final goodness without spoiling the crop. The farmer cannot influence the timing of the autumn and spring rains. He can hope, however, that they will be on time, neither early nor late so as to unduly influence the crop.

This is the comparison that James presents to the Christian. The timing is totally with God and we are assured that not even the Son knows the timing of His return, but only the Father (Matt. 24.36). We are entreated to wait patiently. Like the farmer we can look for the autumn and spring rains. We can open ourselves to receive the gentle ministrations of God’s holy rain as He allows it to fall upon us from heaven.

There is much talk about ‘the time being short’ and ‘He’s coming soon’. This doesn’t impact me over much. My concern and desire is to live, today, in and with Him. If He chooses to rain down upon me – whether this is autumn or spring rain – I just want to be able to receive. My Lord knows what I need. I praise God for His amazing love. So many times when I am tempted to think that He has missed the timing, it will suddenly rain direction, decision, change and blessing from heaven. And I realise, yet again, that I have misread the situation.

God’s showers are always perfectly timed. I pray that I might truly get my head around this and not fret or concern myself about any possible tardiness on His part.

Lord God,

Of course I thrill at the thought of Your return to this earth in victory. But I will not be anxious or impatient for its coming. Instead, like the farmer, I wait patiently, believing that Your timing is perfect, and knowing that Your will is sovereign.

I look to today. This is sufficient for me. Right now it is raining gently outside. The earth smells fresh, the garden is looking healthy, and even the song of the birds is chirpier.

I want Your Holy rain to fall in refreshment upon me. I ask You for this. Let me smell fresh in You. May I be and feel healthy as well as look it. And let me sing a chirpy song to You. Lead me through this day. Will You return today as all-victorious Lord? I don’t know. I do know that You are already here with me and I thank You for this.

Come now, let us travel the day together. May the gentle rain continue to soak me in You. May Your will further unfold in my life, in Jesus’ Name I pray.                                      Amen.

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