Wednesday 14 August 2013

On guard

“So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.”           Mark 13.23

Jesus has given His disciples – and us – a clear warning. He warns us all to beware of false prophets and deceivers. He also tells of the conflict that will come upon believers – from local authorities, synagogues, governors and kings (the nations), and even family (brother against brother, parents and children at odds). He says “Be ready!”

We will not avoid misunderstanding or persecution. There are many signs of this already in the world today. Natural disasters which Jesus also alluded to are being experienced in present times. Whether or not these are the “last days”, the disciples of Jesus must be ready. We are called to stand our ground, declare the faith, and fight the good fight.

Jesus gives a further warning for watchfulness and this one is for the Lord’s return. As guarded as we must be about trials and persecutions brought on us by this world so must we be watchful for the second, glorious and victorious, inbreaking of the Son of Man and Son of God. No one, save the Father, knows when He will return. What wonderful reason we have for celebration in the knowledge that He will return – and maybe soon!

Lord Jesus, I’m ready. The world certainly needs You. Come soon.

And so, I take note of the double caution – to be on guard for the trials and tribulations, and to be watchful, ever alert for the return in glory of our wonderful Lord. I feel humbled, and oh so privileged to be in this position. Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus,

I thank You for this forewarning. May I be ever alert in Your Holy Spirit to the two issues, one  of threat from the world, and also the imminence of Your glorious return.

May all that You need to be done prior to the return be effected in fullness and without delay.

I pray for any part You may have for me to play in these present times. I am willing. I ask You to take me and use me. Yet not my will but Yours be done.

I rejoice in You. You are truly Alpha and Omega to me. You are where I begin and all of my endings are in You. I release myself anew and afresh to You today. I look to the day ahead with great excitement at what we will do and share.

O Holy One, that I can consider sharing with You. Forgive my presumption, but please bless my desire. Let us go forward together. Lead me into this day. I love You! I pray that love will grow even stronger. I ask also for many opportunities to share Your love. Receive my prayer, in Jesus’ Name I ask.                                                                                                         Amen.

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