Friday 20 April 2012

My helper

So we say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?”                                                                  Heb. 13.6

This is one of those verses that need to be taken into the depths of my being. I need to allow it to permeate the whole of me. I must live by it, for its truth is startling, immensely reassuring and incredibly powerful.

God, the Lord, the Almighty is my helper! He is here, right now, to help and assist me all through this earthly journey. I am yoked to Him as two oxen are in a team. We are team mates; we are fellow-workers. I have nothing whatsoever to fear from any source. No person or circumstance can affect me beyond what He and I can face together. Nothing, but nothing, is bigger than Him.

I am exhorted to own this reality with confidence. These words shout at me:

Where is my confidence? Is it in my own meagre ability to get through? Is it in the world? Do I think that the world or its people will never cause upset to me?

No! My confidence is in Him, in His sovereign and supreme Being, and in the reality and recognition that He is my helper. I will not be afraid. I will press in to Him. I may remind him, from time to time, that He is my helper. The reminder, in truth, is for me.

He is here, ever with me. Hallelujah!

Lord God, O Most Mighty One,
                                                I come to You with grateful heart for this reminder of the truth of Your being with me, as helper, defender and provider in all things.

I press in, in faith and love. I thank You; I adore You; I love You.                              Amen.

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