Saturday, 21 April 2018

Which way?

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”                                                                                                                                        John 14.6

I have been truly overwhelmed by good wishes, support and prayers over this last few weeks. I am truly appreciative, and I thank you all. I have also been privileged to receive personal feedback. A dear brother shared the advice of a friend who advocated not proceeding with treatment. A dear sister responded with encouragement to seek the wisdom of God. I understand this, for I know – from very personal experience, that only God has the answer. This same brother so very rightly said, “The LORD most definitely is on control.” And how right this is!

The purpose of logging this present “adventure” was, in the first instance, for my own benefit (selfish, isn’t it?) But I also thought it could be helpful to share the journey with others. It is most certainly not my intention to stir up disagreement or dissension. Let me, then, share with you my thoughts on all that is happening. And I stress, these are my thoughts – and mine alone. Feel free to agree or disagree, but do pleasegive yourself fully over to Him for the truth.

I seek the way, the right way for me. I most firmly believe that there is only one way. Jesus has made this perfectly clear: “I am the way… No one comes to the Father except through me.”How much clearer do we need this to be? My desire for many years has been to live in God’s will, in the very centre, and in the fullness of God’s will. I see the one and only way to get there but, once there, I see a number of different ways in which God’s plans for me may come to fruition. Again God has made this clear to me: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. (Jer. 29.11) Let’s get this clear. God is saying He knows! We do not know!! Indeed, we can have no idea of the plans, the glorious things He has in store for us. He alone knows, and our action is to give ourselves into the fullness of His will such that His plans might be outworked in our lives.

I wonder why we, as Christians, are so intent upon praying for healing. I am not praying for healing. I pray that God’s will be outworked in my life. The mighty Paul reminds me of the privilege of suffering for Christ: For he has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well. (Phil. 1.20 NRSV). I don’t think I’ve fully comprehended the “privilege” of suffering, far less the reality that it is granted to me by God’s grace. Wow! In writing to the Roman believers, Paul says: 
“… we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him (Rom. 8.17). Now we’re talking. The glory of God, made manifest in our trials, tribulations, even suffering. 

I give myself to the ongoing journey. I am not unprepared for nausea, weakness, pain and extreme tiredness. But I look to come through. Please, if you are moved to pray for healing for me, please do so. I am open to healing, but my earnest desire is to see the will of God unfold – in my life and in any ongoing ministry He chooses for me.

Thank you again for your support, friendship and prayers. May God bless you richly as you seek his will for yourselves.

Most Loving Father,
I can’t express wildly enough the love that I have for You, and the joy I experience in receiving Your love for me and the love of the dear family You have brought me into.
My prayer is for the reality of You – and Your amazing love – to be shared freely and abundantly throughout the whole of creation.
Fit me, if You will, to do my part. In Holy Spirit power lead on. I thank You for the many opportunities I received during my recent hospital stays. I pray for more, both in and out of medical establishments. I ask also for the same freedom I have experienced to simply be me. I thank You for making me, me. I so enjoy being this person.
I pray for the many family members, friends and acquaintances You bring me into contact with. I pray for my fellow believers and ask that You draw them ever closer into Your will and Your way, to unfold Your plans in their lives. I pray protection, power, strength, grace, mercy, truth and love. Yes, Lord, love aplenty, that we may show the world the wonders of heaven, the truths of the kingdom – and the wholesome love of God.
Thank You, Lord. Lead on, in Jesus’ name I ask.                Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip 
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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