Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendour is above the earth and the heavens. Psalm 148.13
It’s now late afternoon after a full and busy day. The euphoria of early morning is still with me, although slightly tempered by a mild fatigue. This is quite understandable. I have been given permission to “get on with life” e.g. walking plenty and all that goes with it – and this is what I am doing.
I woke refreshed at 5.30 after a good sleep. However comfortable other beds are, there’s none really like your own! The day started with my special “God time”. If you are reading this and are not familiar with God and God things, please don’t despair. It’s likely that He hasn’t chosen to reveal Himself to you just yet. When He does, you will know the exquisite joy of true relationship and the deep intimacy that it generates. This is my experience in God time. And all time can be God time. I am most certainly living with Him in these days. Wonderful!
Today was a day of catch up with neighbours. They had been wondering where I have been for the past week. Generous offers of help in any way were made, for which I am most grateful, if a little embarrassed. God is dealing with me!
I discovered last night that my printer was out of ink. My release to walk freely allowed me to set out for the stationers. And, of course this has led to further walks throughout the day. Though we are now approaching the middle of autumn, the weather is like that of high summer. It is a sheer delight to walk alongside the sea, to wander through the parks and occasionally duck into bush settings. Today I am particularly mindful of the gift of senses – sight (especially), touch, smell and taste. This is the joy of living, the wonder of life. We ought not to take these miracles for granted. I plan to take in the full measure of the splendour of God’s creation to sustain me later while medics do what they need to do. I cannot be distracted by thoughts of tumour and surgery. There is too much celebrating to be done. I will not waste this time.
And I will remain excited as I believe there are great “God things” to come out of this present experience.
My Loving Father,
I thank You again for the wonder of life. I thank You for the opportunities I have enjoyed today to relish and cherish the beauty of Your creation. I thank You for the sustaining power I feel. It envelops me; it infuses me, and it strengthens and protect me. This is the power of Your love. I receive it with gratitude, and I pray that all who need to rest in love, security, peace and blessing will be open to receive from You.
I thank You, my Lord. I love You. Amen.
Love reading you blog. Praying you continue to stay well