Wednesday, 11 April 2018


“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.”                                                     John 15.4a

A new day and a new adventure begins. I have long seen and embraced each dawning day as a new adventure in God. And we have shared some amazing adventures!

Yesterday is over, but what a good day it was. After the fun and games of the day before, yesterday was a sheer joy. My early visit to the mobile phone shop saw me equipped with a new instrument in extra speedy time by the most delightful young lady. And the purchase is proving to be one that even this geriatric can, sort of, understand. Hallelujah!

The morning ensued with a brief, but delightful, coffee with my daughter before moving beachside for a good walk and lunch with a grandson. The afternoon concluded on a visit with a friend from the country. What a sweet and satisfying day.

That was yesterday. Now to today and today’s adventure. Another early start – with acknowledgements to my bladder!!

I will shortly join a couple of friends for an early morning coffee, then it’s home to prepare for hospital. An MRI will be performed this afternoon with surgery, if needed, tomorrow. Then what? I truly don’t know. I’m in His hands! Of course, the ultimate could happen, and He might take me home. But I don’t feel ready to go just yet. My preference is to come back and complete the work that I believe He still has for me to do – and what glorious “work” this could be!! I have this strange calm and conviction that I will come out of this, quite soon, and ready to get on with things. This may not be the case. There could well be challenges and trials. What then do we do?  I trust Him. 

Folks, it’s as simple as that. God has previously challenged me, loudly and clearly, about trust. He has called me to trust Him. He could not have made it clearer, saying, “Either you trust me, or you don’t. There are no other real options. So, what is your choice?” For me there is no choice. Of course, I trust Him. His Word, the Bible is filled with the most amazing promises. And I claim each and every one. He has said, very clearly, to me, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” What could there possibly be for me to concern myself about? No, I shall trust Him, and look to Him in whatever unfolds. And, as I look, I will most certainly find Him. Hallelujah!

And so, to today’s verse. I ask you to note the order in which Jesus speaks. The first decision and action is with me. I have the choice to remain in Him – and then will he remain in me. Again, isn’t this so easy, almost too easy. So, let’s take the step, and let’s keep stepping out – in Him. 

I’m excited about the future. I expect good things to come from this encounter. I want to see God’s power released in new measure throughout this tired and sick world. It is time for believers to stand up and acknowledge the great God that we profess to embrace. The world needs God yet, sadly, has no idea that its needs are so. I pray that God will work through my present malaise. I offer myself to His purposes. I trust Him, and I commit to the joy of remaining in my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In these last few days I have been reminded, and indeed quite overwhelmed, by the support I’ve received from many people. At first it was almost embarrassing, then God told me to simply receive. I am humbled. I thank you all for your support. Your ongoing prayers will be most graciously and gratefully welcomed.

Lord Jesus,
It’s me again! I come with renewed commitment to remain in You. Lord, there is nowhere else I either choose or desire to be. You are my all. You are the way; You are the truth; You are the life. Whatever life lies ahead for me I place in Your hands. 
I delight in You, and humbly hope this is reciprocated. I look forward to many more adventures with You. I give myself now into Your safe keeping. Let us continue the journey together. I love You, and I trust You completely. I thank You.           Amen.

PS The blog might be silent for a few days. I’ll be back as soon as He allows.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip 
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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