Monday, 30 April 2018

Divine encouragement

Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.                    Heb. 13.1,2

Yesterday (Monday) was another amazing day, yet so many days of late come with incredible blessing.

One of my tasks for the day was to travel to a neighbouring town for a blood test. After my early morning “God time” (a setting aside for specific communing with my Lord), I enjoyed breakfast before heading for the bus.

The bus stop timetable showed a ten-minute wait for the next bus. I decided to fill the time by walking – just fifty metres or so each side of the bus stop. I was going great. I was covering that portion of footpath south of the bus stop when the bus passed me, and sailed on.

Rats! Now I had to wait 15 more minutes for the next bus. However, this gave me time to walk to the next stop, at the top of the hill leading south from the village. On my way, I met one of the ladies from church. She regularly operates the sound and video equipment. We had a good, upbeat conversation. On leaving her, I took my time to walk the remaining distance up the hill. My walking has certainly slowed, but the medics have encouraged me to walk, and I shall do so, whilst keeping very much in tune with what my body might be saying.

I needed to cross the main road at the traffic lights on the top of the hill in order to get to the bus stop on the other side. Whilst waiting for the lights to change, the bus arrived, and then left – scuttling south without me! Bummer! Yet another fifteen-minute wait. It’s as well that I have the time for this. It can take all day if need be.

I settled into the small bus shelter and took out my crossword book. I was going to enjoy this time. In a little while Bill appeared. Of course, I didn’t know his name until he introduced himself and sat down beside me. We entered into conversation.

Bill lived in a street not far from where we were. He freely described his weatherboard home as the oldest and likely shabbiest in the whole street. He didn’t really have the energy or the inclination to do too much about it. But he was thinking of painting. And today’s paints are so good! He wouldn’t consider painting the upper parts of the house, they were too high for him. But he thought he’d tackle the lower portions that he could comfortably reach. This sounded good to me. It was after this that he informed me he was over 90 years old. I was truly taken aback. I would have placed him, with myself – in the mid-seventies. He didn’t look any older than that.

Bill proceeded to share more of his story. Two years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. It was throughout his body. He was given two months to live. He lived, and his progress has been such that, despite his advanced age, he was offered further treatment. Last week he received radiation treatments from Monday to Friday. Yesterday he hadn’t been feeling too good, but today was great! I shared that my tumour had been removed and my Monday to Friday treatment would start next week.

The bus came. We sat together and the conversation continued. We got off at the same stop. Bill went one way, and I went the other. 
What an amazing encounter! Was it coincidence? Not to me!

I have long since replaced co-incidences with God-incidences. Was Bill for real – flesh and blood and fully human – or was he, perhaps, an angel sent to uplift, edify and encourage me? He most certainly did that. I have decided Bill was real, but may well have been God sent.

Bill made sure to give me his full address. Perhaps there is an invitation in this. When my walking pace has returned to its normal, more respectable stride, I might well face the hill again, and seek Bill out. I might even help him to paint!

Dear Lord,
I thank You for the “angel” Bill whom I had such a wonderful encounter with yesterday. We met as strangers, but I now feel he’s more like a brother. I pray Your hand of healing and protection on him, on all of him, but especially on the lower back which he says is painful during treatment.
I pray for all who suffer in any way. May they know You and Your healing touch.
I pray also for those who don’t know You and, seemingly, don’t wish to know You. My prayer is for Your holy revelation to them, and ongoing life in Your blessing.
Thank You.

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