Sunday, 15 April 2018


They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.     Acts 2.42

I am now in my second day enjoying the comfort and touch of luxury of my own room. I am free of all encumbrances, no attachments, and I think I've successfully removed every piece of plaster and "stickies" that had been previously with me on various interesting parts of my anatomy. I feel free. What a glorious feeling, and I thank my great God for His grace which, I know, has brought me through.

A further MRI has been completed, and the wound dressing is soon to be removed. Preliminary pathology results concerning the tumour may be available tomorrow or Wednesday but a full report could take a week or two together with recommended further treatment. I could be home within a few days.

My selected Scripture verse for today concerns, in the first place, the fellowship of the early believers. I wish to reference it to the wonderful nursing staff I have been ministered to in these recent times. In two non-consecutive weeks of hospitalisation, I have visited four different establishments. In each one, and totally without exception, I have received the utmost care and attention, consideration and respect,   friendship and kindness. And - from time to time - my naughty nature has been tolerated. I have learned that the registrars in ICU work seven days straight of twelve hour shifts. How about that? Granted this is followed by seven days off but, still, what a sterling effort. Nurses work twelve hour shifts,  three on and two off. These amazing people present for work with the cheeriest of spirits. Their total mood is one of consideration, and a most obliging attitude. At the end of twelve long hours, they are as cheery as when they began. I salute them all. May God bless them richly.

Folks, there are angels on this earth. Thank You, Lord. This is so encouraging in a world that so often appears totally obsessed with self interest, where impatience is often a national characteristic, where "my agenda" is all that matters,and dissension, anger, hostility and terrorism seem an all-too-immediate response. I thank the Angels that I have encountered in the recent experiences. May we see, and hear of, more actions such as theirs.

And, finally, a word to those whom the early writing applies to today. Believers are called to live in harmony. Part of our mission is to live in peace, true peace, with each other, to celebrate the love of God and to share that love freely, even wildly. Oh, if only the Body of Christ would do so. The world would be so much better a place.

Thank you again to those who have been praying for me. And, if you don't pray, give it a go. It really works!

Lord God,
I thank You for this most precious time and for all the wonderful people You bring into my life. Some I have known for much time, others are more recent friends. I am amazed by the compassion, kindness and generosity I have experienced in recent days. My heart is humbled with thanksgiving.
My prayer is for a spreading of these precious qualities throughout this sad world of today. Have Your way, Lord. We have messed things up for too long. We need You. I love You, and I thank You with all of my being.   Amen.