Thursday, 12 April 2018

In the name of...

David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."   1 Sam. 17.45

It is now about 2:30 am on Friday morning. This is "the day". Once again I have been rudely awakened by bladder needs - I wonder if this is due to the medication I am presently taking! However, it gives me further opportunity to sit with my wonderful maker and reflect on His power, and goodness to me.

Yet again, I have been moved by an extract from my own book (Plug: God Talk). I am hardly surprised at God talking to me through my own words. I reflect on the Psalms, which contain many grumbles to God from the Israelites. Yet God has taken those very complaints, addressed them and fed back good guidance to His people over generations.

Today is no exception. David saw clearly the threat of the enemy that Goliath posed. It was the enemy rather than the Philistines that were the foe. The Philistines were merely the pawns used in "the game". I feel similarly about this growth in my skull. And, as David stood up in the mighty name of the great, and greatest God, so I do likewise. The fight is with the powers of darkness. For myself, I see work that is still to be done. These recent days have impressed upon me that I am not done yet. I know not the nature of His ongoing toil for me, I just know that I must ready myself, and give myself willingly into His further service.

How dare the enemy seek to contain me through the device of ill-health. My health, just like every other part of my being is in God's hands. I will tolerate no usurper! And so I speak to the enemy. I say, "Satan, get your grubby hands off me. My health, indeed my whole being and doing is in God's holy hands. I command you, in the name of  Jesus Christ, and in the love of the Father and the power of the Spirit, to unhand me. Get the hell out of here -and stay there! I will not tolerate your interference. You are nothing in my eyes. I place you under my feet and  I stamp upon you. Know your place, and keep in it."

My focus is Jesus. I fix my gaze on Him. I am assured that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. He is with me now. I feel His presence so strongly. I am filled to overflowing with love and gratitude. My greatest, most wonderful friend is here with me. The room oozes with His presence.  Oh, how blessed I am, how absolutely wonderful this time is.

Jesus, my most precious Lord, Saviour, Friend and Lover,
I adore You. I welcome you into this room, into my life, my heart, and my future. I look forward, with eager anticipation to the wonderful times that lay ahead. I humbly ask for full healing and restoration. I wish to be able to resume full use of all my faculties, including the ability to drive without restriction. I place myself, my life and future into Your hands. It is still early in the day, but I am ready for the journey ahead. Let us proceed. I am travelling with You. We will do this together. Hallelujah! I praise Your wonderful and glorious name. I humbly, but sincerely thank You.   Amen.

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