Sunday, 8 April 2018


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the LORD.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”                                                                    Isa. 55.8,9

Some time ago I conducted a series of “Encounter” weekends. I would invite participants to, momentarily, bring to mind a concern or problem they might be facing. This could be trivial, or seemingly life-threatening. I’d then ask them to see their left hand as representing the present issue, and I’d invite them to place this hand over their eyes. Then I’d say, “Now, what can you see of God’s plan for your life?” Answers were generally negative, dreary and even depressing. 

We can get overly concerned with the trivialities of life. What I am facing right nowis the most significant and life-affecting issue to me! Wrong!! God’s plans and purposes for me are far, far more important. The present issue is of no lasting concern or impact. As I allow, God will deal with it, and I feel sure He will grow me in the process!

I have a choice. I can give in to present feeble concerns, or I can release myself into the fullness of God’s will and the amazing plans that can come from it. I say I have a choice. In reality, I don’t. For I made my choice some time ago, and present circumstances do not change that choice. I chose God, and His way for me. Today I bring myself afresh to Him, to what He will, and what He has for me.

What is likely to happen in the near future? I have no idea! Will He take me? I hope not! I don’t want to go just yet, and I’ve told Him so. I am enjoying the sweetest times with my family and I feel we have so much more still to share. As well as this, and every bit as important if not more so, I believe my God-given mission is not yet complete. Many years ago I felt God commission me with the words, “Tell my people I love them.” I have sought to do this – but there is still more loving to do.

So, will He take me? I hope not but the option is still open. For my part, I will look up. I have no time for tumours and all that jazz. My focus is on Him. I fix my eyes on Jesus, and how glorious this is!

Today, in Australia, it’s Monday (and early morning at that!) For many this is the first day of the week. My week began yesterday, on the Lord’s Day – Hallelujah!

I am posting this item early for two main reasons. For me, I have been overwhelmed by this time with God, and I have been strongly moved to record it – immediately. As well, I sense these words could be of encouragement and benefit to some readers, and this timing – at the start of a new week – may well be significant.

I believe many are praying for and with me at this time. I am humbled by this. I greatly appreciate you and your prayers. I thank you all.

I have chosen for my prayer today, the words of a favourite chorus.

O Lord, You’re beautiful,
Your face is all I seek, 
For when Your eyes are on this child, 
Your grace abounds to me.

Thank You, Lord, Amen.

God Bless,

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