Friday, 27 April 2018

Lying down

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
                                                                                                                        Psalm 4.8

I think I was looking on yesterday as something of a big day, a day of hearing and considering proposals for the immediate future. It turned out to be a big day, but also a most beautiful day. 

The day began with a delightful conversation with my niece in the UK. Most special. As there was no treatment expected yesterday and, consequently, no need for any “special attention” for me – like needing personal transport we, my daughter and myself, decided to “take the bus” and stop off on the way for a big breakfast. What a good idea! And what a wonderful breakfast of Eggs Benedict we enjoyed together.

Then it was down to business. We met with “the team”- six or seven individuals each highly accomplished in their field. It was such an informative, supportive and encouraging time. I was extremely pleased. Treatment will commence on Monday 7th May, initially for three weeks, but ongoing as I enter the test programme. I am optimistic, albeit aware that I could be in for some interesting times.

The best news I received is that after effects of the treatment are not expected to be too challenging - maybe some nausea and, very likely, tiredness. 

I think I’m already being prepared for the latter.The medication I have recently been taking has totally confused my sleep patterns. I am fortunate some nights to get three hours sleep. I’m beginning to act like a real “oldie” and take several cat naps during the day. And after the exciting time at the Cancer Clinic yesterday, I was simply too weary to pen this posting. My apologies. But today is a new day, and it brings good news. The medications that have disrupted sleep have today been either reduced or eliminated. I expect some sound sleeps in the next few nights.

And so to bed!! If, no when, I wake during the night, I might make a cup of tea, maybe read a little or simply “Fix my eyes on Jesus.” He is ever there, and He is with me. He is my comfort, and I think we shall be spending a lot of time together in these coming days. He is my strength, my shield, my safety and my sustaining power. He allows me to dwell in safety.

As I lay down, I give myself over to Him. Whether I am asleep or awake, I can rest in Him. And the rest is His perfect rest.

Lord Jesus,
I thank You that You are ever present. I knew that You were with me yesterday, and I thank You. I know that You are with me now. My thanks continue. I know that You will be with me throughout this coming time – and then beyond.
Your presence is most precious to me. I know I can lie down in peace with You. I know I am safe and protected in You. I know I am loved by You. I thank You.                   Amen.

I thank you all for the support I am receiving in copious amounts. I am humbled and greatly blessed. May God bless you and lead you forward in further, and greater, blessing. 

Go in peace, grace, and love,

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