Monday, 30 April 2018

Divine encouragement

Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.                    Heb. 13.1,2

Yesterday (Monday) was another amazing day, yet so many days of late come with incredible blessing.

One of my tasks for the day was to travel to a neighbouring town for a blood test. After my early morning “God time” (a setting aside for specific communing with my Lord), I enjoyed breakfast before heading for the bus.

The bus stop timetable showed a ten-minute wait for the next bus. I decided to fill the time by walking – just fifty metres or so each side of the bus stop. I was going great. I was covering that portion of footpath south of the bus stop when the bus passed me, and sailed on.

Rats! Now I had to wait 15 more minutes for the next bus. However, this gave me time to walk to the next stop, at the top of the hill leading south from the village. On my way, I met one of the ladies from church. She regularly operates the sound and video equipment. We had a good, upbeat conversation. On leaving her, I took my time to walk the remaining distance up the hill. My walking has certainly slowed, but the medics have encouraged me to walk, and I shall do so, whilst keeping very much in tune with what my body might be saying.

I needed to cross the main road at the traffic lights on the top of the hill in order to get to the bus stop on the other side. Whilst waiting for the lights to change, the bus arrived, and then left – scuttling south without me! Bummer! Yet another fifteen-minute wait. It’s as well that I have the time for this. It can take all day if need be.

I settled into the small bus shelter and took out my crossword book. I was going to enjoy this time. In a little while Bill appeared. Of course, I didn’t know his name until he introduced himself and sat down beside me. We entered into conversation.

Bill lived in a street not far from where we were. He freely described his weatherboard home as the oldest and likely shabbiest in the whole street. He didn’t really have the energy or the inclination to do too much about it. But he was thinking of painting. And today’s paints are so good! He wouldn’t consider painting the upper parts of the house, they were too high for him. But he thought he’d tackle the lower portions that he could comfortably reach. This sounded good to me. It was after this that he informed me he was over 90 years old. I was truly taken aback. I would have placed him, with myself – in the mid-seventies. He didn’t look any older than that.

Bill proceeded to share more of his story. Two years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. It was throughout his body. He was given two months to live. He lived, and his progress has been such that, despite his advanced age, he was offered further treatment. Last week he received radiation treatments from Monday to Friday. Yesterday he hadn’t been feeling too good, but today was great! I shared that my tumour had been removed and my Monday to Friday treatment would start next week.

The bus came. We sat together and the conversation continued. We got off at the same stop. Bill went one way, and I went the other. 
What an amazing encounter! Was it coincidence? Not to me!

I have long since replaced co-incidences with God-incidences. Was Bill for real – flesh and blood and fully human – or was he, perhaps, an angel sent to uplift, edify and encourage me? He most certainly did that. I have decided Bill was real, but may well have been God sent.

Bill made sure to give me his full address. Perhaps there is an invitation in this. When my walking pace has returned to its normal, more respectable stride, I might well face the hill again, and seek Bill out. I might even help him to paint!

Dear Lord,
I thank You for the “angel” Bill whom I had such a wonderful encounter with yesterday. We met as strangers, but I now feel he’s more like a brother. I pray Your hand of healing and protection on him, on all of him, but especially on the lower back which he says is painful during treatment.
I pray for all who suffer in any way. May they know You and Your healing touch.
I pray also for those who don’t know You and, seemingly, don’t wish to know You. My prayer is for Your holy revelation to them, and ongoing life in Your blessing.
Thank You.

Sunday, 29 April 2018


Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.                    Rom. 5.3-5

Am I rejoicing in this present suffering? I’m not sure of that!!!

I certainly feel excited – and also highly expectant of great things to come. I so enjoy working with and for God. If you are reading this, and don’t quite comprehend what I’m saying, please hang in there. You see, the only story I feel qualified to share is my own. And God is all over my story. There are times when I am on my way to share and minister, perhaps with members of God’s family who are new to me. En route, God might say, “You know, Peter, I don’t need you in order to do this. I can well achieve my purpose without you.” This is when I get excited, often jumping up and down in my seat whilst responsibly endeavouring to control my driving. I respond, “Yes, Lord, I know, but You chose me.”

I consider myself chosen by God and, please understand, I say this in all humility. I would also speak forth and say, “If you think God has chosen you for a purpose, just say “Yes”. Don’t fret over what you may or may not have by way of qualification or equipping. He has all you need. All He requires of you is willingness and obedience.”

I am both humbled and thrilled to live with God, to live in God. I choose to believe that He has work for me yet to do. I choose also perseverance. (Please note: I didn’t choose suffering. That seemed to come of its own accord.) To the extent that I am able, I will persevere. And this, of course, will be with the input and blessing of God’s Holy Spirit. God is with me in this. I know it, I just know it. How blessed!

My Dear Father,
It is so good to be family with You. I thank You also for the wonderful family You have blessed me with in this earthly realm. I am overwhelmed with love and support. I receive, for I know this is Your way.
I commit to Your way in all things. For me, there is no choice. I have enjoyed the most amazing journey with You, and I am confident of the ongoing journey. I know we will travel together. 
I thank You. I love You.                   Amen.

Saturday, 28 April 2018


“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”         John 14.1

If I am uncertain in any way, I could well find myself troubled in heart. I may become pre-occupied with seemingly pressing immediate physical problems. Where, then, is my trust? 

Again I am caught up in Oswald Chamber’s sharing (My Utmost for His Highest, 1927, p. 126). He talks of our uncertainty and he does so in a most positive way. He says: The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty; …gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life. To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth… but we are rightly related to God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy.

I identify so strongly with what he is saying here. I do not need to be certain in myself, for my hope, my faith and my trust is totally in Him. I give my uncertain self to His most assured certainty.

And I note the expression “gracious uncertainty”. How wonderful is this! God’s grace abounds in my uncertainty. As I understand it, God’s grace, His love and every goodness that comes forth to me from Him emanates from His very Being. God ilove; God is grace; God is mercy; God is power; God is enabling. Indeed, God is all I need – and I know that He is well and truly with me right now. Hallelujah!

Lord, Mighty God,
I am in no way certain of what lies ahead. But I am positively assured that all is in Your control.
I thrill to the glorious uncertainty that envelops me at this moment, for this tells me that You can do anything.
I trust You with all of my being. I surrender the whole of me into Your keeping, Your certainty, and Your ongoing plan for me.
I thank You for the very good sleep that I enjoyed last night, and I give myself into the adventure of the day that lies ahead, knowing that I journey in sweetest partnership with You. Hallelujah! Thank You.                Amen.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Lying down

I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
                                                                                                                        Psalm 4.8

I think I was looking on yesterday as something of a big day, a day of hearing and considering proposals for the immediate future. It turned out to be a big day, but also a most beautiful day. 

The day began with a delightful conversation with my niece in the UK. Most special. As there was no treatment expected yesterday and, consequently, no need for any “special attention” for me – like needing personal transport we, my daughter and myself, decided to “take the bus” and stop off on the way for a big breakfast. What a good idea! And what a wonderful breakfast of Eggs Benedict we enjoyed together.

Then it was down to business. We met with “the team”- six or seven individuals each highly accomplished in their field. It was such an informative, supportive and encouraging time. I was extremely pleased. Treatment will commence on Monday 7th May, initially for three weeks, but ongoing as I enter the test programme. I am optimistic, albeit aware that I could be in for some interesting times.

The best news I received is that after effects of the treatment are not expected to be too challenging - maybe some nausea and, very likely, tiredness. 

I think I’m already being prepared for the latter.The medication I have recently been taking has totally confused my sleep patterns. I am fortunate some nights to get three hours sleep. I’m beginning to act like a real “oldie” and take several cat naps during the day. And after the exciting time at the Cancer Clinic yesterday, I was simply too weary to pen this posting. My apologies. But today is a new day, and it brings good news. The medications that have disrupted sleep have today been either reduced or eliminated. I expect some sound sleeps in the next few nights.

And so to bed!! If, no when, I wake during the night, I might make a cup of tea, maybe read a little or simply “Fix my eyes on Jesus.” He is ever there, and He is with me. He is my comfort, and I think we shall be spending a lot of time together in these coming days. He is my strength, my shield, my safety and my sustaining power. He allows me to dwell in safety.

As I lay down, I give myself over to Him. Whether I am asleep or awake, I can rest in Him. And the rest is His perfect rest.

Lord Jesus,
I thank You that You are ever present. I knew that You were with me yesterday, and I thank You. I know that You are with me now. My thanks continue. I know that You will be with me throughout this coming time – and then beyond.
Your presence is most precious to me. I know I can lie down in peace with You. I know I am safe and protected in You. I know I am loved by You. I thank You.                   Amen.

I thank you all for the support I am receiving in copious amounts. I am humbled and greatly blessed. May God bless you and lead you forward in further, and greater, blessing. 

Go in peace, grace, and love,

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Faith and action

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?                                                                                                                             Jas. 2.14

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do. 
                                                                                                                                Jas. 2.18b

You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.           Jas. 2.24

As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.                 Jas. 2.26

I truly believe God is speaking to me about faith. Throughout this recent journey, I have experienced the utmost faith that healing is assured in me, and I have held the deepest conviction that God will cause wonderful onward movement in me, and also in the ministry that He has for me.

In recent times I have developed precious connections with two quite separate and distinct congregations. The people are most beautiful God lovers. Both congregations are seeking a part time pastor. How about that! I sense a growing commitment to both groups. And I believe God is prompting me, right now, to put actions to my faith, and make some declarations.

James’ words are powerful. Faith is one of the greatest gifts I can receive from God. But faith does not sit in isolation. Faith spurs action. Action is the result of faith and the outworking of faith.

I sense God is saying something like: “I see you have faith, and I note the hopes that you are carrying in your heart. It just might be time to express these hopes and to release them to me. So, let me in! Share your dreams and passions, and see what might fall out. You know I love you - and I most certainly have plans for you!”


Dear Father,
I do so want to continue in greater ministry for You, with You and in You. But it must be as You determine. I open my heart to You and release my desires. I give myself wholeheartedly into Your keeping. I am Yours. I ask You to take me, make me, and do whatever You will. Let me keep loving You, and serving You to the best of my ability and to the fullness of Your enabling. Lead me through this day, to your praise and glory. Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip 
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Tuesday, 24 April 2018


“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”                      Matt. 28.20b

I may not always “feel” like doing that which God places before me. Goodness, what am I saying? I have been reading of some of the possible effects from the treatment that is likely for me – nausea, vomiting, tiredness (of course), constipation or diarrhoea, (Ugh!), headache, loss of hair/weight. Wow, how gross! How much fun is this going to be? And what about my cheerful and chirpy, God-given and God focused disposition?

When I underwent the first CT scan at Mona Vale Hospital, He gave me the clearest reminder that He was with me. As I entered “the tube” I saw my heavenly Father above me. He said, “I’m here waiting for you. We are going to do this together.” Some millennia ago, Jesus gave me positive assurance that He would be with me always, to the very end of the age.”In the year 2000, at a hotel in Singapore, the Father reinforced the deal. After reading of Moses’ encounter at the burning bush, God said to me, “And I will be with you, too!” And I am further constantly reminded of the presence – and the power – of the Holy Spirit with me.

God is amazing! When He wants us to know something He makes it so very clear. God is with me, and He will get me through all that lies ahead.

Another perspective that has been mightily with me in these most recent weeks is my life and ministry after cancer. I do not know, at this stage, what might be forthcoming, and I do not need to know. But I am excited! I am excited about the whole of the Christian life, and I don’t really understand believers who live without a holy excitement. God is for us, He most definitely asserts this (Rom. 8.31). Jesus declares His presence with us for all time. How wonderful, how marvellous! The only way is forward – in Him!

Great God, Mighty Warrior, Divine Healer,
I am excited at the day that lies ahead. I look forward to the adventure of today as I journey with You. May we go together into the fullness of Your plans and purposes for me today.
And, as we go, would You draw me closer and take me into deeper intimacy with Yourself? I am so hungry for more of You. I thirst for the living water of Jesus. I open myself to the fullness of Your Spirit in me.
I enter this day – fully – in You.                Amen.

Monday, 23 April 2018


There is nothing to report in the physical today. Below is some spiritual input!

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
                                                                                                                   2 Cor. 3.18 NKJV

I look at God with open face. Nothing mars the image that I see of Him, albeit I see Him now through earthly eyes. I look to the day when I shall see Him, in the heavenlies, face to face.

Meanwhile, I look. And what I see is glory. My Lord Jesus sits in glory and power at the Father’s right hand. Divine majesty is in control, and that same holy power is leading me on.

I know that I am in transformation. Daily I am being re-formed into the person – the total and complete person – that He has made me to be. The person is already there, it is simply necessary to draw him (me) out into the fullness of being that God created – before the world, and people, contaminated!

I know this present circumstance is all part of my formation. God is leading me forward, further into my testimony. I feel so honoured and blessed that He should choose me thus.

This transformation that is underway for every moment of every day, is guided by the Spirit of God, the Most Holy Spirit. I have been fortunate to have enjoyed long relationship with God’s Spirit. I pray this will continue. As I travel, I journey with Jesus, I connect with the Father, and my every move is in the clear assurance that the Spirit is with me. He goes before and prepares the way; He walks alongside, guiding, leading, and nudging at times. He follows behind – He “has my back”!

I am simply overwhelmed by the love, generosity and blessing of God. Every day is filled with His presence, His pleasure and His enabling. I am so very, very blessed!

Most Loving Father,
I feel to express just one sentiment today. I love You, Lord, and I cannot say it loudly or widely or freely enough. I love You and I feel so blessed to be Your child.
I hope there is much ahead that we might do together in holy partnership. I thank You for choosing me. 
But, for now, may I simply express my love for You, my deep, undying, unending love. Thank You.                         Amen.


 Dear Friends,

Nothing is happening at present on the medical side of life. The oncologist meeting is not until Friday so, I am hoping, the intervening time will allow rest and repose. Hallelujah!

I enjoyed a most wonderful day at home yesterday, pottering in the garden and simply enjoying the fine weather and the ambience of my little cottage. Today has brought visits from several friends and much good fellowship.

In these recent days I have been so blessed in my "God Time", the morning starts spent in communion and intimacy with Him. I am not sleeping well at present, so a 4am start is not unusual. C'est la vie!!

I feel to share with you some of my reflections from this time. The following is from Saturday. 21st April, one of my first days at home.


Jesus answered, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ ”                                                                                                             John 14.9  

Philip had asked, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” (v8). Jesus shows us the Father. This is God – Father, Son and Spirit. And He is highly visible. All I need do is look to Him, look for Him, receive Him, and live in the sweetest communion with Him. 

I am reminded of Paul’s enquiry on the road to Damascus: “Who are you, Lord?”(Acts 9.5) I adopt this question for myself. Who, indeed, is this – my Lord? This query can lead me into the mysteries of heaven, into divine realms of unlimited wonder and awe, and of constant and continuing revelation! Do I know God? Well, yes! But this is only the start. I give myself into the fullness of knowing Him. I yearn to touch depths of intimacy with Him and to share with true abandon, the love of the Almighty.

Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest, 1927, p118) says, wisely, “We look for God to manifest Himself to his children; God only manifests Himself in His children.”  Wow! How blessed, and blessing, is this?

I want God to overwhelm me. I wish Him to consume me. And my deep desire is that He should burst forth from me, and spread abroad like a raging, beautiful and wonderful disease.  If I can be a tiny cog in His gigantic mechanism, I shall be well pleased.

Lord, Mighty God, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit,
I want more of You. May I please have more of You? Would You fill me to overflowing with Your presence, Your love, grace and mercy, and Your utmost blessing?
I sense that I need to face fearlessly the time ahead and whatever it might bring. I believe I am ready, for I know that You are with me. You guide my every step; You originate my every move. I find it impossible to be concerned with any negativity at this time. My whole being is in You. My future is in Your hands. I so want to do much more for You. I hope this is in Your plan for me.
Meanwhile, I give myself to rest in You, to receive and refresh, to love and be loved. Amen.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Which way?

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”                                                                                                                                        John 14.6

I have been truly overwhelmed by good wishes, support and prayers over this last few weeks. I am truly appreciative, and I thank you all. I have also been privileged to receive personal feedback. A dear brother shared the advice of a friend who advocated not proceeding with treatment. A dear sister responded with encouragement to seek the wisdom of God. I understand this, for I know – from very personal experience, that only God has the answer. This same brother so very rightly said, “The LORD most definitely is on control.” And how right this is!

The purpose of logging this present “adventure” was, in the first instance, for my own benefit (selfish, isn’t it?) But I also thought it could be helpful to share the journey with others. It is most certainly not my intention to stir up disagreement or dissension. Let me, then, share with you my thoughts on all that is happening. And I stress, these are my thoughts – and mine alone. Feel free to agree or disagree, but do pleasegive yourself fully over to Him for the truth.

I seek the way, the right way for me. I most firmly believe that there is only one way. Jesus has made this perfectly clear: “I am the way… No one comes to the Father except through me.”How much clearer do we need this to be? My desire for many years has been to live in God’s will, in the very centre, and in the fullness of God’s will. I see the one and only way to get there but, once there, I see a number of different ways in which God’s plans for me may come to fruition. Again God has made this clear to me: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. (Jer. 29.11) Let’s get this clear. God is saying He knows! We do not know!! Indeed, we can have no idea of the plans, the glorious things He has in store for us. He alone knows, and our action is to give ourselves into the fullness of His will such that His plans might be outworked in our lives.

I wonder why we, as Christians, are so intent upon praying for healing. I am not praying for healing. I pray that God’s will be outworked in my life. The mighty Paul reminds me of the privilege of suffering for Christ: For he has graciously granted you the privilege not only of believing in Christ, but of suffering for him as well. (Phil. 1.20 NRSV). I don’t think I’ve fully comprehended the “privilege” of suffering, far less the reality that it is granted to me by God’s grace. Wow! In writing to the Roman believers, Paul says: 
“… we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him (Rom. 8.17). Now we’re talking. The glory of God, made manifest in our trials, tribulations, even suffering. 

I give myself to the ongoing journey. I am not unprepared for nausea, weakness, pain and extreme tiredness. But I look to come through. Please, if you are moved to pray for healing for me, please do so. I am open to healing, but my earnest desire is to see the will of God unfold – in my life and in any ongoing ministry He chooses for me.

Thank you again for your support, friendship and prayers. May God bless you richly as you seek his will for yourselves.

Most Loving Father,
I can’t express wildly enough the love that I have for You, and the joy I experience in receiving Your love for me and the love of the dear family You have brought me into.
My prayer is for the reality of You – and Your amazing love – to be shared freely and abundantly throughout the whole of creation.
Fit me, if You will, to do my part. In Holy Spirit power lead on. I thank You for the many opportunities I received during my recent hospital stays. I pray for more, both in and out of medical establishments. I ask also for the same freedom I have experienced to simply be me. I thank You for making me, me. I so enjoy being this person.
I pray for the many family members, friends and acquaintances You bring me into contact with. I pray for my fellow believers and ask that You draw them ever closer into Your will and Your way, to unfold Your plans in their lives. I pray protection, power, strength, grace, mercy, truth and love. Yes, Lord, love aplenty, that we may show the world the wonders of heaven, the truths of the kingdom – and the wholesome love of God.
Thank You, Lord. Lead on, in Jesus’ name I ask.                Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip 
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Thursday, 19 April 2018


Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me.                   Psalm 23.4

The news is out and, in human terms it is not the best news. The tumour is stage 4 cancer. I am about to embark on quite an adventure. The next stage is a meeting with oncology specialists to determine ongoing treatment and support. And, as for support, I have been inundated. I feel so loved and appreciated. I thank all those who have responded in care and encouragement.

So, how do I feel? Well, frankly, it’s a bit of a bummer! But there it is, and I have to get on with it! The wonder is that I am not alone. Apart from the amazing support I am receiving from so many people, (and this appears to be worldwide!) I know – I simply know that my God is with me. He gives me this amazing promise:  “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28.20)

For many years God has led me on a journey of trusting Him. He has made it clear that nothing short of my full trust will satisfy. He has reduced His requirement to the simplest of terms: Either you trust me or you do not!!

I trust God. Gloriously, wonderfully, I trust Him. And, right now, I find it so strengthening and empowering to be able to declare this. If God is for me, who – or what – can possibly be against me? I go forward in Him. We go forward together.

The verse I have quoted above has long fascinated me. There are times when we are called to pass through a valley. There may be times when this valley appears as if in the “shadow of death”. As I understand it, for there to be shadow, there is light. I look up, and I see the light. I determine to walk in this light. It will lead and guide me. It will strengthen and sustain me. It will bring me through. Jesus declares Himself the light of the world(John 8.12). I will walk through this time in company with my Lord and Saviour, my Friend and Lover.

And where will we arrive at? I don’t know! That is up to Him. I simply know that I must travel the road in His precious company.

I have been overwhelmed with support, love and prayers. I humbly thank all who have been party to this journey. I pray, without obligation to anyone, that we may continue to walk together. My ongoing entries will have medical feedback as necessary, but I hope the essence of my communication will be the joy of journeying with Him. I do not wish undue challenge or suffering on anyone, but I earnestly encourage partnership with the “Power of Heaven”. Go with Him. Go in peace and strength. Go in grace and blessing. 

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your faith. Be blessed.

Lord God, and Wonderful Father,
What a surprise I have now received. Yet I believe this is no surprise to You. My days are in Your hand. Indeed, my life and the whole of me is with You. How wonderful this is. 
I know not what the ongoing journey will entail. There may well be extreme challenge. I wish to face it with You. You are my strength, there is none other. I believe Your way is the way through – not around, not avoidance. So, dear Lord, I present myself to “get on with it”. I place myself firmly in Your keeping. I trust You; I love you; I need You.
I thank You.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Greetings to any readers who are still with me in this adventure. I appreciate your support, and especially your prayers. There has been no blog for a day or two because there has been nothing to report. Sadly, this is still the case. I had hoped to see the oncologist this afternoon with news of pathology results and a proposal for ongoing treatment, but she did not appear and, as it is now well into the evening, I don't expect any more news before tomorrow.

But the piilgrimage - and the adventure - continues. In the normal running of this blog, I include entries from my prayer journal. After all, the blog is not about me, but about God and my relationship with Him. I'd like to share with you my meditation and reflection for today which occurred sometime in the early  hours of the day - it's not all that easy getting rest in a hospital bed!

My prayer is that you will stay with me. Apart from any "heavenly secrets" we may share, let me tell you of the minor thrill I get when I check the number of hits to my site!

Here goes!

When the LORD saw he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, " Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am."      Exod. 3.4

The entry that Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest, Marshall Pickering, 1927, p115) lists for today, 18th April, says so much of what I feel, and believe is right for me. I am tempted to quote his entry verbatim. I will certainly include extracts.

But first, my experience from reading of Moses and the burning bush. The year was 2000. I had been on a solo missionary visit to Thailand and India. My time with the folks there, and the shared ministry, was truly amazing. I planned a few days stopover in Singapore on the way home where I hoped to conduct a mini retreat for myself.

In a most pleasant room on about the 15th floor of a modern hotel, I wondered if I'd found the right 
environment. I had no need to question or fear. God had it all in hand. As I read of Moses' encounter with God through the burning bush, my own most intimate brush with the Power of Heaven took place. I read of God's affirmation to Moses: And God said, "I will be with you !" Exod. 3.12. Suddenly, out of the far corner of the hotel apartment a sweet but powerful voice spoke to me. It said, "Peter, I will be with you too."

I know God is with me. I know He guides me, and I willingly give myself into His guidance. He has not left me - and He never will. Right now, I am excited to know that He is with me - and He is leading.

And so to Mr. Chambers. He tells us that Moses' response of "Here I am" reveals that he was somewhere. Moses was present and, I suggest, ready for God. (Chambers: Readiness means a right relationship to God and a knowledge of where we are at present....Readiness for God means that we are ready to do the tiniest little thing or the great big thing, it makes no difference. We have no choice in what we want to do; whatever God's programme may be we are there, ready....Be ready for the sudden surprise visits of God. A ready person never needs to get ready...the ready ablaze with the presence of God.)

Lord God, 
I am ready. I know You are with me; You are for me; and You are in me. I believe You have work yet for me to do. I embrace You with every part of my being.
Where am I now? I see myself in the palm of Your hand, like a lump of clay held ready to be shaped by the potter.
Recent times and events have revealed to me most sudden surprises from You. I restate: I am ready.
I sense that further medical treatment may lie ahead. I leave this with You, for Your outcome is what I desire. If challenges are strong, I ask You to strengthen me. When my courage fails, may I be upheld on the rock that is You.
I have a deep care, especially, for the two congregations You have connected me with. I love them dearly, as I know You do. I believe You have plans for my ongoing connection with these beautiful people. Again, I leave this with You, knowing that all will unfold in Your time and manner.
Meanwhile, I give myself to rest in You. I am in such a precious time. I crave more of You. I believe I will receive. I love You. I thank You.   Amen.

Sunday, 15 April 2018


They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.     Acts 2.42

I am now in my second day enjoying the comfort and touch of luxury of my own room. I am free of all encumbrances, no attachments, and I think I've successfully removed every piece of plaster and "stickies" that had been previously with me on various interesting parts of my anatomy. I feel free. What a glorious feeling, and I thank my great God for His grace which, I know, has brought me through.

A further MRI has been completed, and the wound dressing is soon to be removed. Preliminary pathology results concerning the tumour may be available tomorrow or Wednesday but a full report could take a week or two together with recommended further treatment. I could be home within a few days.

My selected Scripture verse for today concerns, in the first place, the fellowship of the early believers. I wish to reference it to the wonderful nursing staff I have been ministered to in these recent times. In two non-consecutive weeks of hospitalisation, I have visited four different establishments. In each one, and totally without exception, I have received the utmost care and attention, consideration and respect,   friendship and kindness. And - from time to time - my naughty nature has been tolerated. I have learned that the registrars in ICU work seven days straight of twelve hour shifts. How about that? Granted this is followed by seven days off but, still, what a sterling effort. Nurses work twelve hour shifts,  three on and two off. These amazing people present for work with the cheeriest of spirits. Their total mood is one of consideration, and a most obliging attitude. At the end of twelve long hours, they are as cheery as when they began. I salute them all. May God bless them richly.

Folks, there are angels on this earth. Thank You, Lord. This is so encouraging in a world that so often appears totally obsessed with self interest, where impatience is often a national characteristic, where "my agenda" is all that matters,and dissension, anger, hostility and terrorism seem an all-too-immediate response. I thank the Angels that I have encountered in the recent experiences. May we see, and hear of, more actions such as theirs.

And, finally, a word to those whom the early writing applies to today. Believers are called to live in harmony. Part of our mission is to live in peace, true peace, with each other, to celebrate the love of God and to share that love freely, even wildly. Oh, if only the Body of Christ would do so. The world would be so much better a place.

Thank you again to those who have been praying for me. And, if you don't pray, give it a go. It really works!

Lord God,
I thank You for this most precious time and for all the wonderful people You bring into my life. Some I have known for much time, others are more recent friends. I am amazed by the compassion, kindness and generosity I have experienced in recent days. My heart is humbled with thanksgiving.
My prayer is for a spreading of these precious qualities throughout this sad world of today. Have Your way, Lord. We have messed things up for too long. We need You. I love You, and I thank You with all of my being.   Amen.

Friday, 13 April 2018


This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.   Psalm 118:24

It's Saturday afternoon, and all is well. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah, hallelujah, HALLELUJAH!

I am in ICU. I feel amazing and so ready to go, but it is not for just now. 

My eleven o'clock appointment yesterday, eventuated when I left the ward, finally at 1 pm. I was escorted to the theatre by a very chatty wardsman and a most pleasant nurse. I had determined that 
I would pray before the procedure. In my imagination this would involve the entire medical cast. This was not to be. The immediate area was bursting with activity and noise. No one had time for me. I asked the nurse if she was Christian, and invited her to pray with me. As I opened my mouth, my well rehearsed prayer fell apart in my mouth. My eyes watered and my words faltered. Of course I got my prayer out, and with a sweet Filipino Catholic nurse assuring me that all would be well. I knew this, what I didn't expect was the emotional accompaniment!

Next stop was with an effervescent Irish anaesthetist from Dublin, who proceeded to sing Molly Malone to me. She introduced me to her sidekick, Jimmy. I decided to call him, Jimbo - goodness knows why! Then the head man told me he was the greatest anaesthetist ever. I chose to believe him.

Selah.   Pause

When I awoke in ICU I thought, momentarily, that I was in a workshop! I had no idea where 
I was. Someone said, "How are you? You have had brain surgery." I thought: why ever would that be so? The rest of the day passed in a blur, and the night was somewhat of a challenge. But that is over now.

Today has brought sunshine and joy and great blessing. I feel wonderful, and so ready to get going. However, I need to be still for a little more time. A minor concern has arisen with my heart, and I remain in ICU for a further 24 hours. I am at ease, but we need to satisfy the requirements.

I look forward to what is ahead - with great anticipation and excitement. I thank all for their support but, right now, I would truly appreciate rest and quiet. I hope to speak again soon with further news of this amazing pilgrimage.

Most Mighty God,
I thank You for the way in which You have brought me through this time. I give myself willingly and completely into the future You have for me. I thank You for the many, wonderful friends You have given me. I pray Your protection and blessing on all.
Lead on, Lord. I am ready.   Amen.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

In the name of...

David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."   1 Sam. 17.45

It is now about 2:30 am on Friday morning. This is "the day". Once again I have been rudely awakened by bladder needs - I wonder if this is due to the medication I am presently taking! However, it gives me further opportunity to sit with my wonderful maker and reflect on His power, and goodness to me.

Yet again, I have been moved by an extract from my own book (Plug: God Talk). I am hardly surprised at God talking to me through my own words. I reflect on the Psalms, which contain many grumbles to God from the Israelites. Yet God has taken those very complaints, addressed them and fed back good guidance to His people over generations.

Today is no exception. David saw clearly the threat of the enemy that Goliath posed. It was the enemy rather than the Philistines that were the foe. The Philistines were merely the pawns used in "the game". I feel similarly about this growth in my skull. And, as David stood up in the mighty name of the great, and greatest God, so I do likewise. The fight is with the powers of darkness. For myself, I see work that is still to be done. These recent days have impressed upon me that I am not done yet. I know not the nature of His ongoing toil for me, I just know that I must ready myself, and give myself willingly into His further service.

How dare the enemy seek to contain me through the device of ill-health. My health, just like every other part of my being is in God's hands. I will tolerate no usurper! And so I speak to the enemy. I say, "Satan, get your grubby hands off me. My health, indeed my whole being and doing is in God's holy hands. I command you, in the name of  Jesus Christ, and in the love of the Father and the power of the Spirit, to unhand me. Get the hell out of here -and stay there! I will not tolerate your interference. You are nothing in my eyes. I place you under my feet and  I stamp upon you. Know your place, and keep in it."

My focus is Jesus. I fix my gaze on Him. I am assured that He will never leave me, nor forsake me. He is with me now. I feel His presence so strongly. I am filled to overflowing with love and gratitude. My greatest, most wonderful friend is here with me. The room oozes with His presence.  Oh, how blessed I am, how absolutely wonderful this time is.

Jesus, my most precious Lord, Saviour, Friend and Lover,
I adore You. I welcome you into this room, into my life, my heart, and my future. I look forward, with eager anticipation to the wonderful times that lay ahead. I humbly ask for full healing and restoration. I wish to be able to resume full use of all my faculties, including the ability to drive without restriction. I place myself, my life and future into Your hands. It is still early in the day, but I am ready for the journey ahead. Let us proceed. I am travelling with You. We will do this together. Hallelujah! I praise Your wonderful and glorious name. I humbly, but sincerely thank You.   Amen.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.”                                                     John 15.4a

A new day and a new adventure begins. I have long seen and embraced each dawning day as a new adventure in God. And we have shared some amazing adventures!

Yesterday is over, but what a good day it was. After the fun and games of the day before, yesterday was a sheer joy. My early visit to the mobile phone shop saw me equipped with a new instrument in extra speedy time by the most delightful young lady. And the purchase is proving to be one that even this geriatric can, sort of, understand. Hallelujah!

The morning ensued with a brief, but delightful, coffee with my daughter before moving beachside for a good walk and lunch with a grandson. The afternoon concluded on a visit with a friend from the country. What a sweet and satisfying day.

That was yesterday. Now to today and today’s adventure. Another early start – with acknowledgements to my bladder!!

I will shortly join a couple of friends for an early morning coffee, then it’s home to prepare for hospital. An MRI will be performed this afternoon with surgery, if needed, tomorrow. Then what? I truly don’t know. I’m in His hands! Of course, the ultimate could happen, and He might take me home. But I don’t feel ready to go just yet. My preference is to come back and complete the work that I believe He still has for me to do – and what glorious “work” this could be!! I have this strange calm and conviction that I will come out of this, quite soon, and ready to get on with things. This may not be the case. There could well be challenges and trials. What then do we do?  I trust Him. 

Folks, it’s as simple as that. God has previously challenged me, loudly and clearly, about trust. He has called me to trust Him. He could not have made it clearer, saying, “Either you trust me, or you don’t. There are no other real options. So, what is your choice?” For me there is no choice. Of course, I trust Him. His Word, the Bible is filled with the most amazing promises. And I claim each and every one. He has said, very clearly, to me, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” What could there possibly be for me to concern myself about? No, I shall trust Him, and look to Him in whatever unfolds. And, as I look, I will most certainly find Him. Hallelujah!

And so, to today’s verse. I ask you to note the order in which Jesus speaks. The first decision and action is with me. I have the choice to remain in Him – and then will he remain in me. Again, isn’t this so easy, almost too easy. So, let’s take the step, and let’s keep stepping out – in Him. 

I’m excited about the future. I expect good things to come from this encounter. I want to see God’s power released in new measure throughout this tired and sick world. It is time for believers to stand up and acknowledge the great God that we profess to embrace. The world needs God yet, sadly, has no idea that its needs are so. I pray that God will work through my present malaise. I offer myself to His purposes. I trust Him, and I commit to the joy of remaining in my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In these last few days I have been reminded, and indeed quite overwhelmed, by the support I’ve received from many people. At first it was almost embarrassing, then God told me to simply receive. I am humbled. I thank you all for your support. Your ongoing prayers will be most graciously and gratefully welcomed.

Lord Jesus,
It’s me again! I come with renewed commitment to remain in You. Lord, there is nowhere else I either choose or desire to be. You are my all. You are the way; You are the truth; You are the life. Whatever life lies ahead for me I place in Your hands. 
I delight in You, and humbly hope this is reciprocated. I look forward to many more adventures with You. I give myself now into Your safe keeping. Let us continue the journey together. I love You, and I trust You completely. I thank You.           Amen.

PS The blog might be silent for a few days. I’ll be back as soon as He allows.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip 
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

How Deep?

It goes on – and it is truly wonderful! Each day begins, for me, with an amazing time of communion with Him, my Father, my Heavenly Dad. He fits me to meet the day, and to face whatever the day has in store for me. As days go, yesterday was a bit of a doozy! After a fabulous “God Time”, the day took a turn for the worse. The main culprit was my reasonably new mobile phone which I have struggled with since day One. It likes to cut me off in the middle of calls, or simply put me on “mute” with the person at the other end crying out, “Are you there?” It is very likely “operator error” – which persons of a younger generation kindly try to tell me!!! Yesterday was simply too much. Early afternoon, after about the eighth drop out – several on calls from the specialist’s office and, finally the third drop out from a call from a dear friend in Queensland, I lost it! I simply slammed the phone to the floor. It shattered, and I said, “Hallelujah!!” 

Of course, I recognised this to be an attack which needed to be fought – with the power of heaven and not any measly worldly weapon. I took myself to Him – and we got through. 

This morning, as I lay in bed, the thought came to me to write about, and call this entry, “Fight the Good Fight”. But then I turned to my book, “God Talk”. Yes, I do read my own writing. Just as, during some message deliveries from the pulpit, I will quietly say to myself, “Peter, are you listening to this? For you need to hear it.” God talks to us in many ways, not least, at times, through our own voices. If He’s talking, do please listen! This morning, my page just happened to open at the reading How Deep? So, here it is.

The word of the LORD came to me: “Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem: ‘I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert, through a land not sown.’ ”                                               Jer. 2.1,2

These beautiful words of affirmation of Israel are soon to be followed by God’s question, “What fault did your fathers find in me, that they strayed so far from me?” (v5). In her youth, Israel was devoted to the Lord. She loved Him as a bride, and willingly followed Him through desert territories knowing that He held good in store for her. But, just as the love of some brides wanes and turns sour, so Israel relapsed and strayed far from God.

This stirs me with the question today being: Am I as deeply and fully in love with God, and as totally devoted to Him as I have ever been?

I can say, “I want to be!” I can acknowledge, “I need to be!” But, am I? Could I now follow God through the desert? Can I trust Him to lead me, whether it be into a land of milk and honey or- wherever? Or would I rather say, “Where are You, Lord? Why have You left me?”

How relevant these questions are for me today! The issue is not where God is, but where I am.

Lord God, Sweet Jesus,

My desire is to love You more and to be more totally committed to You today than I have ever been. My wish is that our relationship will be closer and stronger and deeper tomorrow than it is today. And so on. I seek a new outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in my life that will bring me into deeper intimacy with You. 

Yes, Lord, this surely is my prayer. I give myself completely into Your keeping. The world has not the answers. I look fully to You.

O Lord, hear my prayer.        Amen.

That’s it, folks. I’m off now to buy a new mobile phone!
Enjoy your day!