Wednesday 14 December 2016


“I have spoken openly to the world,” Jesus replied. “I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret.”     John 18.20

Jesus has said it. He is open about everything. There is nothing secret about His message. This is so today as it was when He walked the earth.

Yet there is something more! For some receive more from Jesus than that which is open to all. I suspect the “more” might come as we give ourselves to Him. The Holy Spirit is certainly at work in revealing the Kingdom of God to us and in drawing us into its reality.

But I sense even more. Paul talks of the “fullness of Christ” in us. What could be more than this? What more could I ask for than to have Him in me, and in fullness?

I rejoice in the journey God has brought me thus far. But I am not content. I want more! I unashamedly ask for more, and I give myself to receive all He would deign to bless me with. I want the Fullness of Christ. Nothing less will satisfy.

O Great and Wonderful God,

As Jesus was open to His accusers and as He was open to the world, so I will be open with You.

I thank You for Your saving grace that drew me back to You after a time in the wilderness. I thank You for the wonderful gifts and experiences You have blessed me with in the many years since. I express my deepest appreciation and gratitude.

I also say I am not satisfied. I ask for more. I seek the fullness of Christ in me. I look for an infilling of the Holy Spirit – to overflowing. I yearn for the deepest, most intimate relationship with the Father. This is my heart, Lord. These hopes I cry out to You. I will not rest until I receive fullness in You. Hear my prayer. Draw me to You, in Jesus’ name I pray.                    Amen.

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