Wednesday 13 March 2013


“Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the LORD almighty.               Malachi 3.7

A return to the Lord is a return of the sinner, and the way of return is repentance. God is pure and righteous and cannot look upon sinful man. But all is not lost for the sinner.

God promises to return, to come back, to reconnect with the one who returns to Him. That is, anyone who makes the move towards God in genuine repentance will be received by Him back into relationship. And this will not be a formal reception – stiff and starchy, but it will have all the love and wonderful emotion that Luke describes in the story of the prodigal. What rejoicing occurs when just one sinner returns to relationship with our loving and sinless God. May the angels sing out and the heavens rejoice, and may many, many return to Him.

Loving God,

I thank You that Your way is the way of love. Through Malachi You promise to return to any who return to You. I know this promise is sincere and will be kept.

I pray for those who are away from You. I am reminded of such even as I write. My prayer is that You would touch them with Holy Spirit reminders. I pray for eyes to be opened, ears unplugged and for hearts to be softened. Let Your message of love be heard afresh and may countless men and women respond and return to You.

I thank You for my own return. Let my wonderful story be repeated in many other lives. I pray especially for family, friends, neighbours and acquaintances. Draw them to You, Lord. Let them return to You in the fullness of repentance,
                                                             in Jesus’ Name I ask.                                     Amen.

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