Thursday, 21 November 2019

Saved, or not!

You come to the help of those who gladly do right, 
who remember your ways.
But when we continued to sin against them, 
you were angry. 
How then can we be saved?                       Isa. 64. 5

I see further reference to the Covenant in this verse. God will protect His people and lead them into salvation, but there is a part for the people to play. We are called to do right by God, and to do it gladly. We must remember His ways and abide by them.

But what happens if we continue to sin, to ignore the ways of God, do our own thing, and incur His anger? Will we then be saved? The words cry out in seeking a way: how can we be saved?

Salvation comes from God. He alone can save us. He will do so if we gladly do right in Him.

However, we are born into a fallen world, people who have fallen from the grace of God. Is there any way of restoration? Yes, there is! Jesus showed clearly the way when He said: “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matt. 4.17) Peter affirmed and clarified this statement. When asked by the crowd what they should do, Peter replied “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2.38)

We can try to do what is right in God, and to do it gladly, but we will not fully succeed. Yet, by confession and repentance in Jesus’ name, we are forgiven and released into the fullness of salvation. There is a way, Jesus is that way! 

Lord God,
I say “Hallelujah” for the saving grace that is found in You. I thank You for the gift of life, of eternal life that we gain through Jesus. We are undeserving, I know this too well. But Your love and forgiveness rescue us. We are saved by grace. We are undeserving yet blessed. Thank You.            Amen.

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