But you are our Father,
though Abraham does not know us
or Israel acknowledge us;
you, O LORD, are our Father,
our Redeeemer from of old is your name. Isa. 63. 16
The Israelites appear to be calling out to God. They declare Him to be their Father, even though they have disobeyed Him and virtually disowned Him. They recall His deeds of the former days when He led them out of Egypt through the Red Sea. He divided the waters before them and they passed through in safety. He led them such that they did not stumble. He gave them rest in His wonderful Spirit.
They then appeal to Him. They acknowledge His tenderness and compassion which they claim are now withheld from them. Again, they declare Him to be Lord, Father and Redeemer. He has been with them and for them since of old.
But now He makes then wander from His ways. They claim that He has hardened their hearts such that they do not revere Him. It would seem that, in their eyes, it is all His fault.
Why, O why, do people blame God for their own failings? It happened with the Israelites, and it has happened down through the ages. It happens still today. Do we truly think that we can do our own thing, indulge in sin and ignore the ways of our holy God, and then blame Him for the consequences?
Most assuredly God is loving, merciful, gracious and forgiving. But He is also pure, unblemished and holy. He cannot allow our impurities to pass without justice, judgment and, may be punishment.
Let us stop blaming God for those things that are our responsibility. Let us remember we are in covenant relationship. Let us seek to fulfil our obligation under the covenant.
Lord God,
I thank You for this reminder of our covenant relationship. May we, may I, remember that I have responsibilities to You. I give my effort to fulfilling what is required of me. I ask for Your help. Amen.
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