Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
that the mountains would tremble before you!
As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
and cause the nations to quake before you! Isa. 64. 1,2
These words call out to God to show His power and sovereignty to the whole earth. As I understand the plight of the Israelites, they could well have been daunted and cowed by the treatment they had received from neighbouring peoples who were hostile to them.
Of course, they had done wrong by the Lord God. They knew they were deserving of punishment, but they cried out to God nevertheless. As well as His His pure and just nature, they were aware of His mercy, His grace, and His love. They appealed to these qualities of His, hoping that He would respond favourably.
The world needs to be reminded of the all-powerful God. This applies today as much as it ever did. The Israelites “went their own way”, and this certainly is happening in this present time. Often God is little more than an expression of derision, even of cursing. Respect is minimal, if at all. Worldly powers and the decisions they make do not improve society nor do they preserve any code of decent behaviour among the people.
The world so needs to see the power and sovereignty of the Mighty One. Some say we are in the last days. When, I wonder, will His return come? Of course, we do not know but, just like the Israelites before us, we can make our plea to Him.
Most Mighty God,
I see the disarray that the world is in. In some parts I see hopeless desolation. I cry out for Your rule to be re-established in strength and security. Will You return soon? I hope so, and I cry out for it accordingly. I know the timing is Yours alone. I simply bring this plea before You, in Jesus’ loving name. Amen.
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