Monday, 11 November 2019


“… but those who harvest it will eat it 
and praise the LORD,
and those who gather the grapes
 will drink it in the courts of my sanctuary.”                  Isa. 62.9

The enemies have been denied any food or drink. But the people of God will be blessed with the harvest. They will eat aplenty and will enjoy the juice of the grapes. They will praise the Lord.

The Israelites suffered much, but they also brought it upon themselves. They disobeyed the Lord; they denied Him; they followed pagan ways, marrying alien partners. God was not pleased, and so He punished them. But after the punishment came restitution and provision. 

The sequence is clear: sin, punishment, then return to the Father. God is pure and just, but He is forgiving and loving as well. He is also unchanging. He is the same today as He was in days long ago. He is likely to treat God-followers today as He did the Israelites of old. The same applies to those “enemies” who seek to undermine Him and subject His people to ridicule and discrimination.

The world may go its own way, thinking it knows best, and doing what it pleases. But God will not be ignored. His reign will come to the earth, and the world will be held to account.

What applies to the world applies to each individual and, of course, to me. I endeavour to live in a way that is pleasing to God. I do not always succeed and so, I must rely on His mercy, His grace and His forgiveness. I cannot forget either His faithfulness. He is faithful and true. I willingly give myself to whatever he has for me.

Most Just God and Loving Father,
I give myself wholeheartedly to You. I ask You to have Your way in me. Let me go where You would have me go and do that which pleases You. Thank You.           Amen.

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