Wednesday, 28 August 2019


He was oppressed and afflicted, 
yet he did not open his mouth; 
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, 
and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, 
so he did not open his mouth.                              Isa.53.7

How did Jesus fare when He lived, and died, on earth? We make much glorious celebration of Christmas, and so we should at the birth of the Saviour who would offer salvation to the whole world. Yet He was born in circumstances which were far from comfortable.

He grew up in a family that was not well off. I imagine them as a happy family, but I believe their living arrangements would have been without embellishment.

When He began His ministry, Jesus became a nomad. He wandered from place to place. He had no permanent abode to “rest His head.” His earthly, everyday life would have been Spartan rather than lavish.

Whilst many received Him and the gifts of healing and release that He brought, He was despised by the authorities of the day. His acceptance by the people varied between adulation and rejoicing to despising and rejection. By popular demand He suffered the most appalling death, preceded by degradation and the torments of the most cruel and torturous treatment. He was treated with scorn, and ingloriously and cruelly nailed to a cross to die. On the cross He was lifted high for all to deride and mock. The final insult and crushing rejection came as He hung, weighed down by the sins of all humanity, and His beloved and adored Father turned from Him. A difficult life ended in the most degrading way possible.

In all of this He did not complain. He said nothing. This was the life and death of the divine Lamb who rescued me.

My Lord Jesus, I can fool myself by thinking that Your time here on this earth was sweet and quite wonderful, but the reality is so different. Please forgive me if I overlook the truth of Your whole earthly experience. I humbly and sincerely thank You for the life and death that You endured for me. I love You.        Amen.

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