Monday, 26 August 2019


My help comes from the LORD, 
the Maker of heaven and earth.                      Psalm 121.2

The Lord God, the one true God is supreme. He is the Creator of all things. Nothing exists that has not been brought into being by Him.

This is the power that helps me. I wonder if I can truly take this in. I have many opportunities to experience and marvel at the wonder of creation. I live in a most beautiful part of the world, in a country that is breathtaking in natural beauty. Now, can I fully take in the power and wonder, majesty and awe of the Creator of all that I see?

And it is this Creator who helps me. He watches over me at all times. He does not sleep or ever take His focus from me. He will not let my foot slip. He is my shade in the heat of the day and my protection during the night. He keeps me from all harm. He watches over the whole of my life. He blesses me as I come in and He blesses me as I go out. I am in awe at what this great and wonderful God does for me. He calls me son, and delights when I call Him Father.

Father God,
I am wrapped up in this mixture of who You are. You are the omnipotent, awesome God, the Creator of everything that is, the most powerful force of all. You are also Abba, my loving heavenly Dad. You love me in the sweetest, most tender relationship, the depth and intimacy of which I may never fully understand, or even realise. But I know these things. I know them and I declare them. My prayer is that they will become fully real to me.
I give You this prayer and ask You to bring me into the fullness of relationship with You. I declare and acknowledge You as the one true God, supreme. I receive You as my heavenly Dad. I delight in You. I ask You to draw me closer. Let me feel Your heartbeat. Let me share in it, and share You with others, in Jesus’ name I ask.                 Amen.

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