Wednesday, 14 August 2019


How beautiful on the mountains 
are the feet of those who bring good news, 
who proclaim peace, 
who bring good tidings, 
who proclaim salvation, 
who say to Zion, “Your God reigns.”                                     Isa.52.7

Mountains are generally high places. In the days of Isaiah the non-God-fearing kings of Israel and Judah set up altars and idols on the high places for worship to alien gods.

In respect to the verse above, it is quite possible that the declaration of beautiful feet refers to messengers returning from a war zone to bring good news of victory to their king and his people. They would bring the good tidings of victory which would usher in peace for the kingdom and its peoples. The victory would bring salvation to the people – salvation from the hands and the wrath of the offensive enemy.

I think of the high places, but the high places I think of are inhabited by my God, the Lord God Almighty. In these places the beautiful feet of the saints bring forth the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Salvation is found in God alone. It comes to us by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for our sins. As we receive this, and follow through with confession and repentance, so we receive the beauty of salvation. Salvation leads to the fullness of God’s gifts lavished on us. Significant among these is that of peace. Jesus gives us (gifts to us) His own peace (John 14.27). How wonderful is this!

I am blessed with so much from God. I know without doubt that He is my provider and protector. He is my strength and my comfort. Indeed, He is everything to me. I can truly say, “My God reigns.”

Mighty God,
I embrace You as a most grateful son. I acknowledge You to be my heavenly Father, but also my sovereign God, my Master, my Redeemer, my Friend and my Lover. Thank You.                Amen.

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