Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3.8
Peter’s exhortation is to everyone, to live in harmony with each other. He gives three encouragements in words I’d like to examine further.
Be sympathetic: the Greek word sympatheo meansto feel sympathy with and, perhaps, to share sufferings with. This is significant. Can I feel sympathy for someone to the point of actually sharing in their sufferings? This word encourages me to look deeper into what my fellow being might be experiencing.
Be compassionate: eusplagkhnos is tender-hearted, kind.
Be humble: tapeinothron is humble-minded or humble. The suffix phren connects the state of humility with the mind. The root signifies “low-lying”, “of low degree, brought low." In its application by Peter it can mean “be courteous”.
So, for me to live in harmony with my fellows requires me, at least, to put myself into their situation as much as I am able so that I might understand their experience, I might “share in their sufferings”. I need to do this with a tender heart, with feelings of kindness and not of judgment or retribution. Furthermore, my mind must work in full accord with my heart, and both need to be lowly rather than haughty, and overall courteous.
If I achieve all of this I am merely living as Jesus wants me to live. I’m sure there is more beyond this, but I see this as a good foundation to work on. God, as always, will help me as I ask Him.
Lord God,
I want to live in harmony with my fellow beings in the love that I know in You. This may not always be through full agreement with them. I ask for your help and Your input into all of my relationships.
I seek to be sympathetic, compassionate and humble, and in the full sense as I have begun to uncover in my exploration above.
I know that nothing is impossible for You. I also firmly believe that I can do all things through the strength and enabling of Jesus in me. I ask You to help me. Help me to be sympathetic, compassionate and humble in each encounter I have with Your created beings. Let me see people, more and more, as You see them. Show me what You would have me connect with, and possibly minister to, in them.
And, as I walk this way, I ask You to lead me on to other things. Grow me, Lord. I want to follow Jesus. I give my life to You. I ask You to lead me, as You want me to go.
Receive my love and praise, my worship and loyalty, my adoration and commitment, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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