Sunday, 4 August 2019


For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.             Peter 1.23

Initial birth comes from human sperm, which is corruptible and leads to a corruptible life. But there follows a new birth – being born again. This birth comes through the direct action of the Holy Spirit and the word of God.

All of creation, and the intention of humanity’s perfect life with God in the garden of Eden, come into being through the word of God. God spoke, and it was! (Gen. 1) And new birth comes also from the word of God. The call to salvation, or rebirth by the Spirit into true relationship with God, is contained in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And this is conveyed to us through the New Testament Scriptures – the Word of God.

The word of God, which originally brought all of creation into perfect existence, now regenerates the fallen individual, restoring them to a state of original love with God.

The word of God is the truth, but the Spirit of God is often the key to unlocking the truth. The Spirit can “illuminate” the word – to a particular individual at a particular time or in a particular situation. God’s word is constant, firm, immutable. But the Spirit brings a dynamic to it, causing it to speak in God’s due season. I rejoice in the word and the ministry of the Spirit in making alive God’s word to the individual.

Lord God,
I thank You for Your word. I also thank You for the wonder of Your Holy Spirit and the way in which You move upon the hearts of the lost to draw them to You.
I pray today for my family members, friends, neighbours and acquaintances who don’t know You. I ask You to make Your Word real to them, bringing them into the wonder of rebirth. I ask this in Jesus’ name.             Amen.

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