Who has understood the mind of the LORD,
or instructed him as his counsellor?
Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him,
and who taught him the right way?
Who was it that taught him knowledge
or showed him the path to understanding? Isa. 40.13,14
The answer to each one of these questions is a resounding “nobody”. God is God, and God is supreme. No one can teach Him anything. He looks to no one because He needs no one. He is self-contained and self-sufficient. He is also sole provider, sole protector, and the sole source of all love, grace, mercy and blessing.
God is all that we need. In the depths of our hearts, He is all that we want. We will find everything in Him. He is the source of all joy, happiness, contentment and fulfilment. God is ever dependable and always there. What a powerful blessing it is to start the day knowing this!
For centuries humans, mostly male, have put time and much effort into trying to work God out. I see this as somewhat dis-honouring to God, and something of a waste of time. I don’t believe we will ever work Him out, nor does He want us to do so.
I believe God wants us to receive Him when He comes to meet us. He desires us to know Him, not know about Him, and to live in sweet, deep and full relationship with Him. He wishes to live with us, and for us to live with Him. He asks me to trust Him. As I do so, He provides for me. I have not gone without since I’ve given to Him all the trust I am able to give. I have no cause to worry for I know that He is in charge despite what I might see in the world around me. I am so grateful to my mighty God, my precious Saviour, and my dear Friend.
Lord, Mighty God,
I thank You for the wonder of relationship with You. Thank You for drawing me to You when You did. Thank You for all that has been given to me through the time of our relationship. Thank You for the assurance that this will never end.
Thank You. Amen.
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