Saturday, 25 May 2019


Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.        Phil. 2.5

I see this as a monumental statement. Paul is encouraging me to the highest demonstration of love, an almost unreachable position. Yet the simple fact of him saying these words brings a suggestion that it is not impossible to live them. 

His following verses outline what is unique about Jesus. What Paul is saying is that Christians are to have this same attitude of self-sacrificing, humility, and love for others. 

In earlier words, Paul speaks of union with Christ, the comfort of His love, and the fellowship of the Spirit. These blessings encourage us, growing tenderness and compassion in us and fostering a desire to be like-minded, to live in the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.

Unity is more than important for Christians – it is essential!  Love is necessary both in the individual and in the body. Christians as true followers of Christ, need to truly follow Him – in Spirit and in love.

Lord Jesus,
I thank You for Your great and wonderful sacrifice for me. I also thank You for the example You have set me.
You say, “Follow me”. I so want to do this. I want to be Your disciple; I want to learn about You; I want to know You and enjoy intimate relationship with You. I also want to follow You in being as much like You as it is possible for me. I want my attitude to be Christ-like. I want to demonstrate love, tenderness and compassion as You did. And, like You, I want to live for the Father’s will.
Lord Jesus, I am willing. I ask for your strengthening and enabling. I can do all things through You. I commit to these things. Let us go forward together. I ask this in Your precious name.            Amen.

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