Saturday, 11 May 2019

No deceit

I want you to know, brothers, that the gospel I preached is not something that man made up.                              Gal. 1. 11

Paul is writing to the church in the region of Galatia. It is not clear how many churches he is addressing but there appears to be several (v2) It also seems that these churches are struggling with the truth even, perhaps, to the point of losing the truth.

He reminds them of his agenda and aim. He tells them that he is not about seeking man’s favour or approval, but God’s. He is truly a servant of Christ.

As Christ’s servant he looks to Christ for all his knowledge and learning (v12). He does not fabricate stories to please men or to say what they want to hear, but he shares what he has received by revelation form Jesus Christ.

Lord God,
I do not wish to make up anything that I share in ministering for You. I want the gospel that I preach to be the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have Your Word, Lord. I ask You to speak to me from Your Word and uncover the truth for me.
I pray for Your revelation. It is Your Word and I ask You to reveal it to me. I pray for direct revelation from Jesus Christ. I ask You also to work through Your Holy Spirit bringing to me enlightenment of the mysteries of God.
Lord, let me never resort to fabrication or even supposition. When I speak from my own experiences let me be sincere. If I borrow examples from others, lead me to give full acknowledgment. But, first and foremost, let me speak forth the truths that You reveal to me.
Let me be truly be sent, like Paul, by Jesus Christ and God the FatherLet me minister always in the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. Let me freely share the love of God with compassion and grace. I love You, Lord. Use me to minister for You, in Jesus' name I ask.                Amen.

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