Friday, 31 May 2019


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.                          Col. 2.6,7

The ongoing relationship of the believer with Christ in intimate, spiritual, living union is something of a theme in this letter. And so it should be in the life of the believer.

We live in Christ. Living is a moment by moment experience. And we can live in Jesus and with Jesus for every moment of our lives. 

Being rooted and built up in him we are totally covered. The base and the superstructure are connected and united in Him and with Him. The faith that brought me to Christ will strengthen me to grow in Him. I am being constantly taught, and shown His presence in everything. He is manifest in nature. He is throughout God’s Word. He inhabits conversations and, perhaps best of all, He speaks directly to me. He shows me His ways; He shares them with me.

I am to overflow with thankfulness. Right now, this is not difficult for me to do.

Lord God,
I rejoice in You. Today is a new day and I am a new creation. You are with me. Oh, glory! Hallelujah! Praise Your wonderful name!
I have received Jesus and I open up my day to Him. I surrender everything and ask You to lead me. Let me continue to live in my Lord and Saviour. Let me grow deep and sustaining roots in Him. May I be strengthened with the faith that I see as a gift from You. More faith! Please Lord, give me more faith.
Show me Your ways, through whatever means You choose. I want to live in Your will. Not what I want but what You want.
I ask for these things in Jesus’ name.           Amen.

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