Saturday, 18 May 2019


So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.                                                                                 Gal. 3.9

Paul is writing to the churches at Galatia where there was a measure of confusion and dissension because Judaizers believed that certain Old Testament ceremonial practices were still binding. These people saw Paul not as an authentic apostle, arguing that he had removed certain legal requirements from the gospel in order to make the message more appealing to Gentiles.

Paul’s response is ordered. He begins by declaring the Gospel to be true and unique. He affirms his status and acceptance as an apostle and, in chapter three, he contrasts faith with observance of the law.

The Spirit of God is received through faith and not by observing the law (v2). And once life is begun in the Spirit this is surely the way to continue (v3). God has justified the Gentiles through faith. The Christian lives by faith

Paul’s writing is not to encourage flagrant disregard of the law but to reinforce the reality that true Godly living comes from faith and not legal observance.

In turn, faith encourages righteous and Godly living such as does not transgress God’s laws. The gift of faith comes through the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus. He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles. By faith we receive the promise of the Spirit (v14).

Lord God,
I thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus which released me into renewed relationship with You and the promise of eternal life. I thank You for the gift of faith which You have given me. I delight in You. I ask You to draw me closer and take me deeper into intimacy with You.
I pray that You will use me to draw others into a knowledge of, and relationship with, You.
You are my life and my life force. I rejoice that You have chosen me. Receive me now as I come to You. Let us travel together. Hallelujah!
I praise You, Lord. I raise Your wonderful and glorious name. I come before You in worship and adoration. Receive my song, receive my prayer, in Jesus’ name I ask.                Amen.

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