Monday, 14 November 2016


“Now my soul is troubled. And what should I say – ‘Father, save me from this hour?’ No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour.”                                                        John 12.27

I find it somehow comforting that Jesus makes this statement. It comes to me as a declaration
of His humanity. It underscores the realisation that He can – readily, easily and fully – understand any situation I might find myself in, because He also experienced the very real aspects of human life.

He has said, “The hour has come,” and He is likely realizing what the hour will bring to Him in terms of suffering. He does not want to go there. He is, in fact, fearful of the prospect. He considers asking the Father to save Him from this, for to be spared is totally within the Father’s enabling. But He does not pursue this. His immediate response is an acknowledgement and true ownership of His purpose on this earth. He is a man with a mission, and He does not surrender His mission because it is uncomfortable, dangerous and, indeed, life-threatening.

I am comforted by this reminder of the humanity of Jesus. But I am encouraged by His declaration to continue in the mission He was born for. His apprehension allows me to feel anxious, even scared at times, but His commitment in the face of a troubled soul tells me that I can also break through, and overcome doubt, hesitation and fear when I am challenged in my Christian life. I may not succeed to the extent that Jesus did, but I am truly heartened by His glorious example.

Gracious Lord, Holy Jesus,

You were tempted. You were troubled. Your human responses encourage me, for they give me hope. I desire to follow You and, somehow, this present reflection helps me. I consider myself to be nowhere near as strong as You, but I can appeal to You – and I do – to strengthen me. I back my appeal with faith that You will, and I thank You.                           Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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