Thursday, 17 November 2016

His word

“There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day.”                                                          John 12.48

Judgment is to come. Whilst Jesus specifically states His mission on earth is to save the world and not to judge it, He makes it clear that judgment is inevitable.

And a very real part of the impending judgment is the spoken word of Jesus. This also is the word of God for, not only is Jesus God, His whole time on earth in human form was in pursuit of the Father’s will. He did what He saw the Father do. He spoke the very words given to Him by the Father.

I have need to take notice of the words of Jesus. Not only will they be basic to the judgment I will one day experience, but they can be of immeasurable benefit to me in this present life.

Jesus is the example I choose to follow. His words tell me about Him and the way in which He lived while on this earth. He tells me about the other members of the Trinity, the Father and the Spirit. I can learn so much from His word. I can be equipped, strengthened, and enabled by Him. As I receive His word, and as I examine and follow His example, I can live in the Father’s will for me. I will achieve whatever purpose the Father has ordained for my life.

The word of Jesus fits me for this life and frees me into the life to come. I open myself to the fullest measure to receive His word.

Lord Jesus, Precious Saviour,

I receive Your word. I ask You to speak to me clearly and constantly. Let me be guided by Your word. Let me learn from You. I pray You will speak wisdom, direction and understanding into my life.

And when this earthly life is done, may Your word receive me in glory, into my eternal inheritance.

I thank You as I pray these things in Your mighty name.                   Amen.

My book “God Talk” is available through major Internet booksellers.
A taste of the book's content can be seen in the You Tube clip
(Search: Peter Francis - "God Talk").

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