So they took
branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes
in the name of the Lord –
the King of Israel!” John 12.13
The crowd was
ecstatic in their reception of Jesus. They fêted Him and embraced Him as the
King of Israel. Yet, before this same week was over, this very crowd had turned
on Him.
Swayed by the
Pharisees and chief priests they clamoured for His death. Where, now, was the
blessing they had so eagerly and boisterously cried on Him during His arrival
in Jerusalem?
something similar can happen with people today. They might attend a special
service or gathering, a rally or conference hosted by a well-known “name”. They
receive some sort of message and are – almost instantly it seems – convinced and
converted. They respond in great acclaim and jubilation. But in time the
enthusiasm wanes, the gloss fades and the commitment turns out to be another passing
this is not so in all cases. But I concern myself today with those who drop
away. And I come to one major conclusion, which is that Jesus is the glue that
binds the family of God together. For that binding to be lasting and true, Jesus
must be real, and every believer, or professed believer, needs to know the
reality of Jesus – in every minute of everyday living.
Lord Jesus,
I thank You that You made clear to me the reality of
Your Being all those years ago. I know You to be real, and always with me. When
I may forget Your presence, this does not deny it.
I pray for my brothers and sisters in the world, all
of them. May they come to know You and Your reality in their life – and in this
world that we presently live in.
Show Yourself, Lord, truly, really, and with lasting
effect. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
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