Thursday, 10 November 2016

The hour has come!

The hour has come!

Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.” 
                                                                                                                              John 12.23

I see this statement most clearly as a defining moment. Some Greeks have enquired about seeing Jesus. Andrew and Philip have gone to Jesus with their request, and Jesus gives this response.

I feel like shouting – and that from the rooftops: The hour has come! The way is opening up for all to come.

Jesus was a Jew. He had come to the Jews as their Messiah. He declared this to be. But our gracious God had wider plans. Not only did Jesus come as the Jewish Messiah, He came as Saviour of the whole world. His mission was global, His invitation was – and is – open to everyone and anyone who will receive Him.

And with this statement, “The hour has come”, I believe Jesus opens the way for us all. His subsequent death and resurrection affirms this most wonderful gift He offers. He was glorified – He is glorified, and it is as the glorified One that He sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes incessantly for us.

Those four words, “The hour has come” signalled Jesus opening Himself to the torment, persecution and degradation that He was to endure. They also opened the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven to all who would receive Him and follow His example of living in obedience to the Father’s will.

Dear Lord,

The very words that were to lead to pain and suffering for You herald for us the glorious good news of the Kingdom of God. Dear Jesus, I thank You. You have opened the way, and none are excluded.

I pray particularly now for those I know who haven’t accepted Your invitation. I pray for repeated further opportunities for them. Spare them from hell, Lord. Draw them to Yourself, in Your precious name I ask.          Amen.

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