Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Loving as Jesus did

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”                                                                                      John 13.34

Jesus has given a new commandment. It’s interesting that He refers to it as new. I would have thought His message of love permeates His whole ministry. What does impress upon me is His exhorting of us to love each other as He has loved us. Furthermore, He presents this as the benchmark and recognition of Christians, that everyone will know us by the love we have for one another.

I look at the church and its history in the light of this yardstick, and I am disappointed and greatly dismayed. How often have we failed to love each other as He has loved us? How many times do we hear of disagreements, rifts and feuds within the body of Christ? And, God forbid, what of those horrible dark days when the church has physically abused, persecuted and tortured its people? Is this loving as Jesus did? I think not, absolutely not!

We have often got ourselves hung up on doctrine and dogma, and totally forgotten our first love, and His encouragements (commandments) to us. How different would be the global Christian life, and its impact on the world, if only we embraced His commandments and lived, and loved, after the example He set for us.

Lord Jesus,

You commanded us to love each other, and You showed us the way. Yet for centuries we have not been obedient to Your call and Your example.

I ask Your forgiveness. Forgive us as a body, that we get caught up and distracted by things that seem so important to us yet are totally irrelevant to Your call to love.

May we be freshly infused and inspired by Your Spirit to live out the love You bless us with. I ask for myself, that I would be more gracious and loving in all that I do. Help me, Lord.     

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