“When the
Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak
on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the
things that are to come.” John 16.13
What an
amazing gift we have in the Spirit. The Spirit has been freely given to us. We
would indeed be foolish to refuse this offer.
I receive
God’s Holy Spirit, and I open myself to whatever He may have for me.
Firstly, He
will guide me. I certainly need this. So, how does it work? I see the action
with Him. It’s the Spirit’s work to guide. I’d say my part is to allow Him to
guide me, to be open and alert at all times to revelations and promptings. I
think another requirement of me is not to be surprised. I know full well that
God can do anything. Why, then,
should I be surprised if He chooses to do so?
The Spirit
will also guide me into all the truth.
This phrase resonates with me today. I don’t think I’ve previously taken notice
that it’s all of the truth. What do
I make of this? Well, nothing will be hidden or withheld. As I wait upon God,
His Spirit will show me everything. This may not all be in the one sitting, so
I may need to be patient.
And the Spirit
may speak of all things. He will declare things to come. This is exciting, but
it could also be a bit scary. If any warning should come from the Spirit,
appropriate action on my part could allay further suffering or distress.
Finally, let
me remember that the Spirit is God, and all that He discloses comes from God.
Lord God,
I delight in the completion that is in You. Father,
Son and Spirit make an amazing and powerful unity. And I am complete in You. I
open myself to the fullness of You, in every expression. May I receive all that
You have for me. Guide me, show me, declare to me, equip me, go with me, in
Jesus’ name I ask. Amen.