Saturday 2 April 2011


These are interesting times. Just now I should be excited, enthusiastic and energetic about the forthcoming Pilgrimage. The reality is that I'm swamped with a severe throat infection with massive coughing attacks which leave me tired, frustrated and with about enough energy to travel a grand total of 100 metres.
BUT, I choose to look forward (have you noticed how life is all about choices?). Well, I do not choose to dwell on this present miserable state but, rather, to look ahead to health, fitness and a glorious time in God as I journey through Europe with Him.
Final arrangements before I leave Sydney are coming together. In fact, it just could be that this present "slow down" is to give me time to sort out the hundred and one things that I still need to do.
I have been greatly encouraged by the support and concern of friends. I thank you all.
It is yet to be seen if I can keep up some sort of reporting as I travel. Time alone will tell, but I'll give it my best shot. Meanwhile, back to the cough linctus!

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