Sunday, 2 July 2017


If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
                        Phil. 2. 1,2

Paul exhorts me to take encouragement from my union with Christ. He urges me to follow my Saviour, to be like Him in thinking and in love, in spirit and in purpose. As I receive comfort from God's love and as I enjoy fellowship with the Spirit, tenderness and compassion will rise in me.
Paul continues in this passage to talk of the wonderful nature of Christ, of His obedience through sacrifice, and of the great example He sets to all believers. In His ministry, Jesus clearly said, "Come, follow me!" I wonder how many believers truly follow Him in the ways and the will of God! 
It is a most wonderful challenge to be exhorted to like-mindedness with Christ. It is both wonderful and frightening. Yet the way to achieve the mind of Christ is disarmingly simple. Jesus lived His whole life through on this earth to be obedient to the Father. He did only what He thought the Father would have Him do. He consulted at all times with the Father, often taking Himself off to solitary places where He could enjoy deep and intimate communion with the Father. In one simple statement I can say the way to like-mindedness with Christ is to keep my eyes on the Father.
Jesus did this, but it was not slavish action. Rather it was joyful relationship. Jesus' love is a comforting  love. He is constantly showing tenderness and compassion. These characteristics indicate gentleness. Jesus was indeed gentle, but His gentleness was not weakness. There is great strength in God's gentleness. Jesus does not force Himself on people, but when He comes the power of God comes in  great might and comfort, in deep peace and in great blessing. Can I be like-minded with Christ? I certainly hope so, but I will not achieve it without His help.

Lord God,
I remember how Jesus came to You in solitary places. Here He was refreshed in You. He was restored in deep relationship and equipped for the ongoing journey.
I am presently in a quiet and peaceful place. I sense Your presence with me. Please draw me closer and give me whatever I need for the ongoing journey such that I can live and work to Your praise and glory. I ask You to join me to Jesus in like- mindedness.       Amen.

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