The encouragement is to husbands as to how they ought to love their wives, but the revelation that comes to me today is much more about how Jesus loves His body, the church.
A pure God requires a pure partner. The Body of Christ is seen, ultimately, as the Bride for the Bridegroom, Christ. As Christ is pure so must His Body be pure. The church cannot purify itself, it is soiled, stained by sin and incapable of self-healing. Jesus lived on earth as a sinless man. He gave His sinless life in payment for the sins of the soiled Body. In doing so, He makes His bride holy; He renders her radiant, without stain, wrinkle or any blemish whatsoever. Through Him, she is holy - and blameless.
The writer tells me that Jesus cleanses me by washing with water through the word. The Word of God washes me as I give myself to receive it and to seek God's revelation to me of what He might be saying, and how He wants me to understand Him through it.
Scholars have studied the Word through centuries. Much interpretation has been propounded. Insights are presented which could well be helpful, maybe even challenging and equipping. But, I believe, true revelation comes from the Father. He alone can show me what He means in His Word. He can give me, sometimes, the most exciting insights. He can lead me directly to His truth, impact me by it, and lead me to live in it. I love the Word. It is dynamic, living, and life-giving. God cleanses me by His Word. He gives me life. I give Him thanks.
Lord God,
I humbly thank You for the cleansing and purifying I receive through Jesus.
I thank You for the insights You give me through Your Word. I pray that You will continue to speak to me directly, bringing me revelation, sharing something of the secrets of heaven, and of Your divine mysteries. I give myself to hear more and more from You. Speak please, for I want to hear. Thank You. Amen.
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